ESA has been completey stopped because of a PIP decision

Aimee87 Online Community Member Posts: 16 Connected
Hi everyone! First time poster here! 

On 5th December, i reveived my PIP decision letter dated 24th November telling me that my PIP claim has ended after 7 years of claiming high rate enhanced and high rate mobility. This was a decision made after I had filled in an Ar1, had a video assessment, and sent in my most recent MRI results which showed progression. I have now (very unfairly) been awarded zero across the board. I have put in a mandatory reconsideration over the phone, written my own letter explaining why their decision is wrong for each sector, and I have contacted my local MP. I've also had my GP write me a supporting letter as extra evidence.
 I've received a letter from motability saying to return my car on 31st Jan if the decision isn't changed successfully before then. To add to the stress of all of this, my ESA claim has now been stopped on the back of my PIP decision, as they've said I am now an able bodied person. 
My question is; are they actually allowed to stop ESA. I've always been told that they are two separate benefits that don't coincide with eachother (even though the decision maker who has just stopped my PIP claim, has used another decision maker's wrong opinions on my ESA report from 5 years a go which I don't think should be allowed). 
The DWP have now left me penniless. I have no money to live on whatsoever. I can't pay bills and I'm getting in to debt. 
I can't believe that a decision maker can take away every single point, and imply in the report I'm not being honest. I have been consistent and truthful since I had no choice but to start claiming benefits 7 years ago. 

Can anyone offer advice? 

Thank you. 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Unless your ESA was New style ESA and you were in the WRAG then it shouldn't have completely stopped because of your PIP refusal.
    If you were claiming Income Related and your ESA included the Severe disability Premium then this would have ended and may have caused your ESA to be suspended temporary.
    Did you ring ESA to ask why it stopped? Which ESA were you claiming?
  • Mimikyu
    Mimikyu Online Community Member Posts: 23 Listener
    Aimee87 said:
    My question is; are they actually allowed to stop ESA. 
    This is a good question. They say they do it to prevent overpayments but no thought to the hardship it puts people in to suddenly lose both PIP and ESA. I think many would rather end up a small overpayment than survive with no income for months without warning. 

    Have ESA given you any more information? I don't know how you are coping with no income. It must be a very hard time for you and I wish I could help.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Mimikyu said:
    Aimee87 said:
    My question is; are they actually allowed to stop ESA. 
    This is a good question. They say they do it to prevent overpayments but no thought to the hardship it puts people in to suddenly lose both PIP and ESA. I think many would rather end up a small overpayment than survive with no income for months without warning. 

    When a PIP decision is made, whether it's a refusal or an award it can temporary suspend another benefit claim because the computer would have flagged there's been a change.
    The same reason that sometimes when a PIP award is extended because of the backlogs when it gets to the original end date an ESA claim can be suspended. This happened to me last year so i rang ESA and they made a same day payment.