Hi, my name is LOPILUGS!

LOPILUGS Community member Posts: 13 Listener
Have recently been diagnosed with sight loss. Never been so frightened.I cannot imagine a world of darkness, and just pray that things do not get that bad. 


  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing

    I'm so sorry. Have you got support around you? I'm sending you a huge virtual hug.

    We have members in the community with sight loss, if you have any questions <3
    LOPILUGS Community member Posts: 13 Listener
    Thank you Hannah. I have lots of friends around me, most have their own problems and we hekp each other out when we can. I have just been listening to an audio book that was lent to me, what a relief that is to find that books will not become dinosaurs. I am sure that once settled life will become an even keel again. Thank you for your message. Much appreciated.

  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    I started a conversation in Coffee Lounge about book recommendations. I'd love to know your thoughts :)

    Are you an avid book buyer? I told myself this month will be a book buying ban and then Waterstones had their annual half price on hardbacks :D

    I can only imagine it is all such a shock, and I'm so glad you have support around you. We are always here, but I like to make sure there's someone physically around for everyone :)
    LOPILUGS Community member Posts: 13 Listener
    Hannah without books life would be a dessert to me. I go through phases of what genre I read, but the Brit  detective novel is always the first thing I read/hear. I went on the Ian Rankin tour in Edinburgh which fairly brought his books to life. i also love to learn from the historical factual novels. One cannot be bored with a book in ones hand.I will visit the Coffee Lounge later.

  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,451 Championing
    Ooh, that tour sounds cool @LOPILUGS! I like detective stuff too, but don't read as often as I should.

    In regards to your sight loss, I'd imagine that many people would feel the same. I believe that RNIB offer some sight loss counselling, along with other services, that you might be interesting in looking into. Is that something you've considered? 
    LOPILUGS Community member Posts: 13 Listener
    yes Iintend to join the RNIB for their Audio Books, amazing how much help and understanding there is out there
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi and welcome to the community 

    When I became vision impaired I got a lot of help from my local council sensory team each council should have one details should be on the council website 

    Has your consultant mentioned registration of being visually impaired 
    LOPILUGS Community member Posts: 13 Listener
    Hello, So far all I have had is an A4 sheet from my Consultant , stating that I have impairment. I hadn't a clue what to do next. Whether I inform some  dept, or whether  some one gets in touch with me. I was advised to get in touch with the RNIB explaining my happenings, and after days of getting over the shock, this is what I did. The RNIB replied to me on Tuesday of this week, and I am now waiting to hear what their instructions are.   I have been met with help and understanding which ever Site that I have turned to. I am no longer living in fear and dread, but will live to the best I am able ,as is my want, realising there are hundreds like me, and many more hundreds in a far worse position. Thank you for your empathy.
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi again 

    Us it a certificate of visual impairment the consultant gave you if so they should send a copy to your council and gp . It maybe worth speaking to your gp about what to do next or like you have done the rnib and see what they advise 

    It will take time and support to come to terms with but help is out there 

    LOPILUGS Community member Posts: 13 Listener
    Thank you again Janer. Seriously have you tried to get in touch weith a GP lately?  I am usually either " the queue is too long to embrace you"  or else I could be number 18 and wait hours. I do not even know who my doctor is at present as I have had 3 changes in the past 5 years!!  I just make sure that I live as healthily as possible to avoid that action. I can almost guaranttee that this same action is mirrored by many.  I will stick to the RNIB and Scope for now and keep as busy as I can to keep depression at bay.

  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,924 Championing
    I totally hear you with the frustration of trying to get a GP appointment @LOPILUGS. It sounds even worse for you as you have had 3 changes in the past 5 years. 

    Let's hope that looking after yourself avoids that action to the best of your ability. Other than that, I have found phoning them first thing in the morning helpful - particularly if it becomes more imminent. 

    It is positive to hear you are finding the RNIB and Scope helpful. Some other resources you might, hopefully, find helpful for managing your depression include:

    I hope this at least semi-helps. I am wishing you the best of luck with RNIB's instructions. If there are any particular persistent difficulties you are experiencing please feel free to reach out to us.

    We are all here for you and listening to you. You don't have to face this, or anything else, alone if you don't want to.

    Take care for now and we will look forward to, hopefully, hearing from you again soon and supporting you further  :)