Need some advice on housing pleaseee

RafaelaC Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
So I live in a 1 bedroom 2nd floor flat with 3 boys aged 8,7&3 my 7&3 yr old have both been diagnosed with ASD and other health problems I’ve contacted my local MP and housing multiple times they never seem to care or take me serious I’ve explained that none of my boys with ASD can share a bedroom as they are the complete opposite but was told “oh well we can’t give every child with ASD their own bedroom”.
I’ve had multiple doctors, schools and social services write to the housing to express their worries 
move done the medical forms and their own doctor told them I should not be above the 1st floor due to my little ones problems.
I can’t let my kids play on the Green downstairs as a neighbour from the block infront of mine harasses my kids and everyone else’s kids take pictures and videos as he’s not happy about the kids playing infront of his flat
ive had to call police on him before and the worst of the worst I have my upstairs neighbour that has been making DIY noises for me since I moved in in 2015!!! I’ve reported him I’ve done timesheets I’ve had the recording monitor in my house to record his noise my kids miss soo much school over this as he will go on and on during the night up to 4am police won’t get involved.
I feel like I’m living in hell and there’s nothing I can do about it 


  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,154 Championing
    Hi @RafaelaC welcome to scopes furum. Sounds like you have gone through every avenue with the housing.  With social workers mps and Dr's etc.
    Have you tried different housing associations some have properties that you can bid on. Or private rent. 
  • RafaelaC
    RafaelaC Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    I’ve tried private but everytime I call and say I’m on UC they either say the house is now gone or the landlord isn’t accepting benefits which is so annoying I hasn’t aware I could go to different housing associations to bid for properties 
    could you give me some information on that please 
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,154 Championing
    You could look at housing associations in your area you may have to register with them. 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi I'm not sure they can help but have you tried SHELTER 
  • cornishmummy
    cornishmummy Scope Member Posts: 28 Connected
    What area off uk do you live as this will depend what register you go on ?