Welfare officer pip tribunal

asg23 Community member Posts: 63 Connected
Hi I have amy tribunal coming up really soon I have not had an initial appointment ir discussion with the welfare officer who is supporting my case
getting a little worried as the date was changed due to them not being able to make it and less than 2 weeks  is the tribunal
i have called and emailed over the past week and nothing
any advice? 
Or any advice how I can prepare for it I am taking a friend
she has had to chnage her childcare just incase it runs over
any idea how long it may take? 


  • gogigi
    gogigi Scope Member Posts: 20 Connected
    hi @asg23 i dont have advice i just wanted to tell you i am in a similar situation to you. i dont know how to prepare because my representative isnt replying to emails...

    how are you getting on?
  • asg23
    asg23 Community member Posts: 63 Connected
    Sorry to hear that I finally got through as I only have over a week but i finding it overwhelming as they are trying to go over everything and it just keeps bringing everything back plus the point about me working comes up having kids etc 
    i feel it is unorganised and last min 
    like my records and evidence had not been read and then i keep getting asked to wait and a call will be made again do not get me wrong I appreciate the support but not so last minute 
    Just fee like packing it all in 
    i really hope you get someone to call you soon 
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,924 Championing
    edited January 2023
    I can hear how you are finding this overwhelming at the moment @asg23. Is there anything, in particular, that might help this to feel more manageable for you at the moment?

    It sounds like feeling it is unorganised and last minute is making this feel even worse for you at the moment. 

    Hopefully, this will be sorted for you as soon as possible. In the meantime, please don't hesitate to let us know if there's anything we can do to support you.

    We are all here for you, even if we can only lend a listening ear. Take care for now and we will look forward to, hopefully, hearing from you again soon   :)
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,924 Championing
    It sounds really difficult that you are experiencing similar at the moment @gogigi. I hope you receive a response soon. 

    In the meantime, please don't hesitate to let us know if there's anything we can do to support you. Hopefully, hearing you are not alone in this provides at least semi-relief  :)
  • asg23
    asg23 Community member Posts: 63 Connected
    Thank you 
    it is
    it does not help 
    i feel my records have not been read work have made amendments and instead I was  asked how can I work if I am struggling daily etc  which is not reassuring when Things have been changed at work so a bit all over my mind this is somebody who is meant to be supportive of the tribunal

    i have to drive occasionally for work to get places which I struggle and if I am unable to go to a place I do not know route I will get dropped off as I get anxious and I feel because I work nothing will go in my favour
    i keep getting told I am young to be struggling with pains but I have been since before I was even a teenager I do not feel heard and It just makes me panic that at the tribunal I will be facing same comments disregarding I have worked left jobs struggled physically and mentally not been supported

    being of long term sick actually made me more mentally unstable and added to more negative dark thoughts 
    i have always been offered to go of sick but working pt and remotely has allowed flexibility to manage work but yet still I am behind on stuff I have a supportive manager although hR are not I am lucky to have support feom my amazing team
    i feel pip does not make things easy for people who are struggling and working 
    it really puzzles me i am
    sorry for. This long message
    i am currently in a flare of pain resulting in lack of movement and motivation to do anything and maybe I am
     Not thinkkng straight 

  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,906 Championing
    I'm so sorry you are in so much pain @asg23

    The best PIP advice I can give is to have all your dates in order, maybe make some notes of things you'd want to say so you don't forget, and breath. It's easier said than done, to try and relax and put it out of your mind but being as calm as possible will hopefully help you stay focused.

    I'm so glad you have a supportive team at work. If you don't mind me asking, do you have that same kind of support from your medical team? 
  • asg23
    asg23 Community member Posts: 63 Connected
    Thank you 
    yes medical team are however they are recommending different medications and steroids and without a clear diagnoses I feel really overwhelmed with medical aspect and question why such drastic changes have to occur especially as I am barley 30 
    not sure if that makes sense 
    i am really grateful fir the services available I finally have specialist pain management soon and occupational which helps

  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,924 Championing
    That does sound really conflicting and overwhelming @asg23 :( Though, it sounds really positive that you finally have specialist pain management soon and occupational which helps  <3
  • asg23
    asg23 Community member Posts: 63 Connected
    Thank you 
    yes I am relieved I am getting medical support 
    i have a tribunal this week just anxious will be glad once it is over

    if there is any last advice from anyone that would be amazing
    i am taking my friend with me for support
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,491 Championing
    Did you get in contact with your Welfare Officer?
  • asg23
    asg23 Community member Posts: 63 Connected
    Yes finally we had discussions throughout the week 
    which was hard but a relief at the same time
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,491 Championing
    Then you really should be speaking to them with any questions you have because they know everything about your case and really are the best ones to ask. 
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,906 Championing
    Good luck with your tribunal @asg23 :) 

    What you said before; 
    without a clear diagnoses I feel really overwhelmed with medical aspect and question why such drastic changes have to occur especially as I am barley 30 
    not sure if that makes sense 
    Makes complete sense! I hope they can get you a clear diagnosis soon. When will you next see them? or are you waiting on results? 
  • asg23
    asg23 Community member Posts: 63 Connected
    Thank you my welfare officer said they will ask lots of questions so to be prepared 

    i hope so too has been few years but specialists all seem to be a little conflicted 
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,906 Championing
    @asg23 It's easier said than done, when I say try to be as calm as possible but it does help :) Keep us updated!
  • asg23
    asg23 Community member Posts: 63 Connected
    Thank you 
    all done waiting for a latter
    a dwp representative was there they had nothing to add in the end and left with me 
    i guess all i can do is wait
    the person before me had a decision made and given after ten minutes so making me nervous 😟 
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,906 Championing
    Try not to be, which I know is easier said than done!

    What have you been up to? Have any plans for the week? :) 
  • asg23
    asg23 Community member Posts: 63 Connected
    Had my tribunal and an appointment 

    weekend will see how I am feeling but mainly spending time at home with kids
    thank you to the scope team whatever the outcome I appreciate all the support and messages 
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,906 Championing
    That sounds like a lovely weekend! :)