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Compliance interview

Apollo14LMP Community member Posts: 63 Connected
Hello all,

Having the worst day ever - got a letter through the post this morning from the DWP.

Title - Compliance Interview - 20.2.23 

Rang the number given not valid it said, got through to main ESA call centre

The lady was helpful I told her I have diagnosed PTSD anxiety - and had no idea why a a compliance interview would be necessary  ... not had one in 10 years !

Did not really want to wait for next week with my MH conditions... good enough she rang through quoting my case number.

Spoke to Compliance and gave them my number - they rang me back and told me it is not a criminal matter but did not elaborate .. but did arrange to do the interview by phone this Friday.

The only issues I have are the ones in my previous post were my private NHS pension caused issues with CB ESA and the DWP made an error calculating the amounts I received etc. My HB was stopped my Carers premium was stopped and all due to their error.

Few weeks later and this letter appears .. anyone care to guess what the DWP are on about.

Im not really well enough but considering getting a work from home job to get the DWP out of my life (if I can cope in a work situation) ... all .this nonsense does not do my MH much good ... feeling really stressed and in a bad place now ... 

I lost money when they stopped my carers premium and restarted my ESA and HB - these people really are your worst nightmare (I accept some of the staff are good people just doing a job - like today).

Just had my PIP renewed after months of waiting - so not criminal anyone hazard a guess.... ??? 

My little one is 17 tomorrow and the mood has already changed as I worry about this nonsense to be honest ... i despise this government ! 

Any input is appreciated ... 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 56,054 Disability Gamechanger
    Sometimes they will do a compliance interview at random without reason and it maybe nothing at all to worry about. Unfortunately, we can only guess what the reason is. The good news is that you know it's nothing bad because you were told it's not criminal so that's good news.
    I would appreciate it if members wouldn't tag me please. I have all notifcations turned off and wouldn't want a member thinking i'm being rude by not replying.
    If i see a question that i know the answer to i will try my best to help.
  • Apollo14LMP
    Apollo14LMP Community member Posts: 63 Connected
    Thanks Poppy - Knew it would not be criminal 60 next month not got a record of crime / fraud whatever... the DWP get data from different sources so who knows what is next ?

    Since I reached an out of court settlement over discrimination last year I thought I might get some peace - clearly not - I hope this is something I foresee - NHS pension causes me most conflict with the DWP.

    But starting to feel a bit harassed by them - so will see and may take advice with my legal team who I still keep in touch with after my 4 year UC / Legacy discrimination court case against the DWP.
    I cant think of any money I have been given  that could take me over 6K as they agreed my damages from my case against them would be ignored for a year ...

    I have monies in a separate PI Trust - but they were given the details of that by my solicitor so as to avoid the phrase from DWP that - You never told us about that " not an organisation to trust but sadly dependant on ! 

    Did get a NHS pension increase but told them of that so no idea what they could be banging the drum about now ?? hmmmm
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