UC Carers element

Mrevertonone Community member Posts: 68 Connected
Hi guys, 
Quick question, you have all been so helpful on my other posts.
My partner gets PIP lower daily living amount, she also gets LCWRA, i work full time
i never knew about the UC carers element, is that something i can claim for? as i am the one who helps my partner with everything when at home, does it matter i work full time? if i can claim how do i go about it on our UC journal.
Thanks again 



  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,491 Championing
    There's no earnings limit when claiming carers element like there is with carers allowance. Providing you care for your partner for at least 35 hours per week then you can report a change of circumstances. Then report being their carer. Your maximum UC entitlement will then increase by £168.81/month.
  • Mrevertonone
    Mrevertonone Community member Posts: 68 Connected
    Thank you again Poppy
  • Mrevertonone
    Mrevertonone Community member Posts: 68 Connected
    Hi Poppy,
    Within the 35 hours do they include evenings and night time as i would be with my partner more at those times, and then the 2 days i have off.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,491 Championing
    Anytime in the 7 days counts.
  • Mrevertonone
    Mrevertonone Community member Posts: 68 Connected
    Thank you again Poppy, i just want to make sure im not claiming something im not entitled to, 
    what do you count as "caring for someone" i have to make sure she takes her insulin, tablets, help with food prep, sometimes getting dressed, housework etc is that the sort of thing they mean Poppy?

    As i said thank you again for all your help

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,491 Championing
    You're welcome. Caring for someone can mean anything from just sitting with them. It doesn't mean you have to do anything physical. So anything you've mentioned above are all caring duties.
  • Mrevertonone
    Mrevertonone Community member Posts: 68 Connected
    Thank you again....seem to be saying that a lot!
    One last question, can i ask for the UC carers element to be back dated at all?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,491 Championing
    You can certainly ask them but if you didn’t report being her carer then they may not backdate it. Usually it’s paid from the assessment period in which the changes were reported. Certainly no harm in asking though. 
  • Mrevertonone
    Mrevertonone Community member Posts: 68 Connected
    Thank you again Poppy, you are a star 
    Did a change of circumstances last night, how long does it normally take to go through?
    This forum has been a godsend, its amazing how much you can learn on here, before we claimed LCWRA and work allowence (both we had never heard off) our UC was roughly £30 a month! because of what i earn, which isnt a lot! Its crazy to think of what people arent claiming when they should be, im hoping there isnt anything else we have missed by not claiming!

    As i said Poppy thank you again

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,491 Championing
    edited January 2023
    No worries. It may take a week or two to process it. If your next statement is due soon it may not be included in that but it should be included in your next statement.

    If they agree to backdate the element then it may take quite a few weeks because they will need to recalculate your past statements to work out what you should have been paid, against what you have been paid. You will then receive a letter on your journal telling you how much they owe and it will then be paid into your bank.

    UC has replaced all the old legacy benefits so the only other benefit that's possible to claim would be council tax reduction. If you're working full time you may not be entitled to that but as all local Authorities have their own rules i can't advise on that.

  • Mrevertonone
    Mrevertonone Community member Posts: 68 Connected
    Thank you  :) already had this months statement, we get paid the 16th, i will keep an eye out for anything on our journal. 
  • Mrevertonone
    Mrevertonone Community member Posts: 68 Connected
    Hi Poppy, 
    hope you are well, sorry got another question.
    My partner just got a letter saying if we claim housing benefit we will lose that if we claim the carers  element, I didn’t think we claimed housing benefit, just looking on our UC payment thingy and it says we get £344.90 housing, is that housing benefit ? If yes then it seems silly to claim £168 and lose £344.90, sorry for all the questions

  • Mrevertonone
    Mrevertonone Community member Posts: 68 Connected
    Hi Poppy,
    I have tried looking online and can’t find anything, I’ve read the whole letter again and this is what it says,
    Dear Joanna 
    we have been notified that Sean cares for you for 35 hours or more.......if you receive a severe disability premium with any of the following benefits it will stop:
    income based jobseekers allowence
    income support
    income related employment and support allowance
    housing benefit
    council tax benefit
    pension credit.....
    whats classed as a severe disability premium ?
    we get UC, LCWRA, the working allowance, and the lower rate of daily living on PIP
    Are any of these classed as severe disability premium ? I’m slightly worried now
    thank you for all your help Poppy

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,491 Championing
    Severe disability premium is paid in with certain legacy benefits such as Income Related ESA, JSA and Income Support.

    As your partner is claiming UC with you then they can't be claiming the SDP because it doesn't exist with UC. Therefore claiming carers element will have no affect on any of your current benefits.

    Hi Poppy, 
    hope you are well, sorry got another question.
    My partner just got a letter saying if we claim housing benefit we will lose that if we claim the carers  element, I didn’t think we claimed housing benefit, just looking on our UC payment thingy and it says we get £344.90 housing, is that housing benefit ? If yes then it seems silly to claim £168 and lose £344.90, sorry for all the questions


    Did you receive this letter as well as the other one? As you're claiming UC unless you're either living in supported or temporary housing then your rent will be paid in with your UC known as housing element, not housing benefit.

    Claiming carers element has no affect on your housing element. So i'm confused why you received the letter. Was it on your journal?

  • Mrevertonone
    Mrevertonone Community member Posts: 68 Connected
    Hi Poppy,
    Thank you for your reply, we got one letter in the post, nothing on our journal, the second post I put, I roughly copied the exact wording of the letter, I’ve made this more complicated than it should have been, sorry

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,491 Championing
    Was a claim for carers allowance made or just carers element? It makes no difference anyway because your over benefit entitlement will remain the same because carers allowance is deducted in full from any UC entitlement.
  • Mrevertonone
    Mrevertonone Community member Posts: 68 Connected
    Hi Poppy,
    i cant claim carers allowance as I earn too much! So just carers element, which I didn’t know about until I saw a post on here
