PIP Success!

Aimee87 Online Community Member Posts: 16 Connected
edited January 2023 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
Good Evening! 

I just thought I'd post a success story to give you all hope, as it tends to be just the bad that gets posted online which gives us all anxiety and makes us think the worst will happen with our PIP decisions! 

I had been claiming PIP for 8 years on enhanced rate for mobility and daily living. After a video assessment in October, I was told in November that my claim had been stopped, and every single point had been taken off me, even though there had been deterioration. 

I requested a mandatory reconsideration with absolutely no hope in gaining every single point back, but today I had some good news and a new decision maker has overturned the decision and awarded me enhanced rate for both! 

I'd like to give some advice for a mandatory reconsideration. Firstly, contact your local MP. They won't have any input in a decision, but they can push for a decision to be made faster. 

Secondly, write a letter explaining why you disagree with the decision, using the Decision Maker's written report. Then go through each descriptor you disagree with eg. Preparing Food, and give an example of how you struggle with this activity, if any aids are used, and what happened the last time you tried to carry out the task. The decision maker's are looking at how your disability affects your daily life, and not necessarily what your health condition is. 

Lastly, just try to submit as much evidence as possible eg, scan results, consultant/gp letter, occupation therapist reports, blue badge, etc. 

I wish anyone who is going through a mandatory reconsideration the best of luck! 


  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,453 Championing
    Congratulations on your MR outcome @Aimee87! That's great news :) 

    Thank you for sharing your experience, as I imagine this will give others hope. We often only hear about people's negative experiences, understandably, so it's always lovely to read about a positive outcome.
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Online Community Member Posts: 8,686 Championing

    Oh so pleased for you that’s great news.
    Such a massive change from one person giving you 0 points to going to enhanced again amazing.

    You can now relax ❤️
  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 13,234 Championing
    It's so great to hear a success story and it gives memories hope.