Hi, my name is eddiegray1988! Assessor report looks positive. Does this mean anything good?

eddiegray1988 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
edited January 2023 in PIP, DLA, and AA
Hey all, I'm after some info that's all😁 I applied for pip due to severe disk degeneration and collapsed disks, can hardly walk, and relieved my assessor report though last week, and it does look positive, but does this even mean anything good? I'm new to this and unsure about it all, as it was cab who told me to apply 😊


  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,452 Championing
    Welcome to the community @eddiegray1988 :) Thank you for joining us! How are you doing today?

    Well done on getting through the PIP process so far. How did you find your assessment?Β 

    The DWP decision maker doesn't always go with the assessor's report, but they often do. I'm glad that you feel positive about the report. Fingers crossed you'll receive the decision you're hoping for!

    If you don't, there are opportunities to challenge the decision, so all hope isn't lost.
  • eddiegray1988
    eddiegray1988 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    I jad a phone appointment on the 29th of December and to be fair, found it very pleasant. But as I have read on here, they may sound pleasant,Β  but then score poeple quite wrongly on the assessment. By the looks of mine, it's a standard daily living and enhanced mobility they gone with. I was told I'd have a desision by the 1st if Feb. So I just wondered if it was normal for the dm to go eith assessment.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,461 Championing
    I jad a phone appointment on the 29th of December and to be fair, found it very pleasant. But as I have read on here, they may sound pleasant,Β  but then score poeple quite wrongly on the assessment. By the looks of mine, it's a standard daily living and enhanced mobility they gone with. I was told I'd have a desision by the 1st if Feb. So I just wondered if it was normal for the dm to go eith assessment.

    The assessors don't score anyone points, they make recommendations only. The decision maker usually goes with the report but it has been known for them to go against it.
  • eddiegray1988
    eddiegray1988 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Thats scary 😨 o well, I'll just have to see what happens. I won't keep my hopes up 🀣 thanks poppy 😊
  • eddiegray1988
    eddiegray1988 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    And also with these text messages dwp send out to say you've been awarded, is this always the case they send these out? And is it at a particular time I've read somewhere?Β 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,461 Championing
    Lots of people receive an award text, providing they gave a mobile number when they claimed. Going by many many other threads it's usually first thing in the morning.
  • eddiegray1988
    eddiegray1988 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Ah okay I see that's fair. When I spoke to the dwp people they said it was currently with a dm and would know the outcome by 1st if Feb so probably before then, would this be correct as I've also ready those poeple are just an outsourced call centre and not dwp themselves?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,461 Championing
    You are correct that when ringing different departments you are speaking to someone from a call centre, not someone from DWP.

    Decision timescales are anything up to 12 weeks after the report was returned.Β 
  • eddiegray1988
    eddiegray1988 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    I thought so, thanks for that 😊, seen did get my hopes up when I had my assessment as she was saying I really need to get a blue badge as I can literally take a few steps and I'm done. But I did say to the lady I can't ask for a blue badge unless I acually receive pip, that's the rules from our local council sadly, and she says don't worry, you'll be fine after this 🀣, so I read on another one of these forums your allowed to ask for your assessment paperwork so I did, then I put the answers she wrote into that pip test thing online, and it came back saying she had recommended daily living of 8, and mobility of 12 points, so I thought that may go though okay, but now I'm not so sure 🀣