Received report but issues

Rose29 Community member Posts: 30 Listener
Good morning ,I have received copy of my PIP assessment back,although there are points that I cannot agree but still the daily living points adds upto 14-15 which I’m not bothered as I don’t want to get into it and cause issues but on mobility I’m only given 10 points in only one section other one says I can walk unaided without issue for 200meter which I clearly cannot,I’m asthmatic & suffer with rather embarrassing issue around my rectal area,I didn’t explained as in details but I gave enough details for it to give me 4-8 points on top of 10 but I’m asking is if i ring PIP asked to speak to case manager and give him more clear details would that help before decision is been made 


  • rebel11
    rebel11 Community member Posts: 1,671 Pioneering
    edited January 2023
    You could do that, but remember you can do that with a written MR, if needed (you don't know the decision yet) and Appeal if necessary.  
  • Rose29
    Rose29 Community member Posts: 30 Listener
    @rebel11 but before MR I can try to see if it would work ,won’t cause any issue would it ? Just wanna know if it’ll be ok
  • Rose29
    Rose29 Community member Posts: 30 Listener

  • rebel11
    rebel11 Community member Posts: 1,671 Pioneering
    edited January 2023
    The Decision Maker might / or might not take it onboard. But there is nothing to stop you 'clarifying' something that hasn't been fully understood by the Assessor. 

    At this moment in time you feel that you don't have sufficient points, so this could make the difference.

    Go for it, good luck. Report back.
  • Rose29
    Rose29 Community member Posts: 30 Listener
    @rebel11 I will do I’ll call first thing on Monday morning and will get back at you with update 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,491 Championing
    Is the reason for being unable to walk because of your asthma? or because of your other problem?
  • Rose29
    Rose29 Community member Posts: 30 Listener
    @poppy123456 it interlinks,bcz of swelling and pain in and around my rectal area and severe anxiety of bleeding starting again bcz of movement and pain kicks in hard breathing 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,491 Championing
    I'm not convinced that this will fall into the criteria for moving around. It sounds like it's more part of mental health as in fear of walking.
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,906 Championing
    Hello @Rose29

    I have IBD and rectal issues and I was told when filling in forms for Limited Capability To Work to put down that mobility was difficult because of needing to be close to a bathroom. I would have no control over my bowels and at the time, had joint pains as a side effect of medication so I couldn't move quick enough. I don't know if it would make a difference to your claim but sometimes the relationship between mobility and incontinence isn't always highlighted in the right way. 
  • Rose29
    Rose29 Community member Posts: 30 Listener
    @Hannah_Scope yes love and the embarrassment of mentioning it is so disgusting and disappointing that saying it makes it harder & @poppy123456 I’ll say it clearly as Hannah has mentioned above ,I bet prolapse which even after medication applied doesn’t go back up for a long time and my glutes and back of legs stay in constant pain ,takes a long time for the swelling of **** gland to subside hence if I walk or do anything the bleeding starts again & as much blood I loose as weaker I become ,applying the medication given makes me dizzy as it dilated blood vessels and sometimes controlling Bowels or **** discharge causes the fissure to reopen even after medication applied hence why anxiety gets so bad and I get extremely worried,this hasn’t happened to me just now this is direct result of something I suffered in past and that left me with this condition and that’s where my PTSD is directly linked’s lingering pain 
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,906 Championing
    Oh @Rose29 I'm so sorry you are in so much pain with it :(

    Never be embarrassed, I went down the route of having stoma surgery in the end. Best decision I ever made and I will describe everything when it comes to the medical side. The whole "taboo on poo" needs to change. The perception of keeping things all hush hush and discreet, I feel, is a contributing factor for many illnesses when it comes to the benefits system on a whole.  

    I hope you have good medical support? If you don't mind me asking, are you under a specialist consultant or just your GP? 
  • Rose29
    Rose29 Community member Posts: 30 Listener
    @Hannah_Scope under GP and special nurse who deals with me as well but the specialist who was responsible for my three surgeries didn’t perform my last surgery and this foreign surgeon who understood surgery made a vertical deep incision that caused my sphincter to become so tight that it caused everything toilet related painful and in end started suffering with accute fissures on daily life,I will be ringing PIP on Monday and will ask to speak to case manager or DM and will explain all in detail for last descriptor ,my council was gonna help me obtain blue badge accessible higher toilet needs and much more but if I don’t get enhanced and stay behind just two points I’ll live in pain 
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,906 Championing
    Oh I'm so sorry. If you speak to the Specialist Nurse, they should be able to help you get a Radar Key to use disabled toilets when you do manage to get out. That helps my anxiety with being near a bathroom a lot. Please don't live in pain, go back to the specialist, I went through lots of different medications before my surgery. It's unfortunately trial and error, but worth it if you find something <3  

    Will keep my fingers crossed for when you call PIP! 
  • Rose29
    Rose29 Community member Posts: 30 Listener
    I rang the PIP today to be able to speak to decision maker or case manager to ring me before making decision or can I speak to them by any mean,was told that’s not possible at all as they don’t do that no longer,the decision isn’t been made and the decision maker always scrutinises the assessor’s report I shouldn’t worry I said my mobility depends on it as the assssor didn’t even mention anything about my main condition is walking distance column she then said ok tell me what it is u want to add and I’ll make a note and send it forward so I did told her and I had a massive panic attack while being on phone with the the lady took several minutes before my speech resumed ,it doesn’t sit right with me that they said they sent letter with my report which is being with me for over a week and 10 days after requesting I received it so no letter was with it
  • rebel11
    rebel11 Community member Posts: 1,671 Pioneering
    Is this the decision letter?
  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    edited January 2023
    If it refers to a letter that supposedly came with the report I would imagine it would simply say something like “we enclose a copy of the assessment report as requested”.
  • Rose29
    Rose29 Community member Posts: 30 Listener
    She said it’ll be letter explaining what happens next didn’t receive anything no text msg no letter and decision has not been made yet but I still can’t call back or any kinda response with decision maker 
  • rebel11
    rebel11 Community member Posts: 1,671 Pioneering
    Await the Decision Letter, then reassess from that point. 
  • Rose29
    Rose29 Community member Posts: 30 Listener
    @rebel11 thank you I’ll be updating you all ones I have decision letter who knows might not even have to do anything and it comes enhanced in both sectors ,fingers crossed