Pip tribunal coming up need helppp !!

joey1990000 Online Community Member Posts: 37 Listener
edited January 2023 in PIP, DLA, and AA
I’ve got my pip tribunal coming up on the 28th feb and I originally got 0 points went mr got 3 points so sent it to tribunal just had my decisions letter and it states dwp acknowledges Joseph needs help for managing money but yet scored no points for it only got points for mixing with people and medication I have severe adhd and anxiety and depression they also said not diagnosed anxiety when it says diagnosed anxiety and depression since 2012 could someone please help me don’t have no representation 


  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,549 Championing
    Hi Joey,

    Have you worked out which descriptors you should score points for?  And how many points you should receive for those descriptors?

    If you only got 3 points at MR, you need at least another 5 points for a standard daily award.

    Could you give us any more information on mixing with people?  As it sounds like you could potentially score some more points there.  Do you go out alone at all?  Do you have much of a social life?

    I assume you will be attending the tribunal by phone?  Is there anyone that could be with you for support during the call?
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,682 Championing
    Hi @joey1990000 - & welcome. You could search here to try & get some representation: https://advicelocal.uk/  putting 'Welfare benefits' in the drop down menu. Hopefully there's a Welfare Rights office near you or Citizens Advice.

  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 13,137 Championing
    Hi there I'm new to all this but I want to learn about the benefits system so I can help this community and I want to aim to be a volunteer in this community. 

    If possible, a tribunal judge will assess your case without a hearing. Instead they’ll make a decision based only on the documents. Send any evidence you have to the tribunal as soon as possible – for example medical evidence.

    If the judge assesses your case based on the documents, they’ll send you a ‘provisional decision’. If you don’t agree with the provisional decision, tell the tribunal you want a hearing instead. You can find the contact details of your tribunal on GOV.UK.

    If there has to be a hearing, the tribunal might suggest a phone call or video conference. You can check how to prepare if the tribunal arranges a hearing by phone or video call.

    What to take to the hearing

    You should take:

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    You might want someone to go with you for support - they won’t have to say anything, but if you’d like them to speak then the judge may ask them questions after you

    Arriving at the tribunal centre

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    your tribunal pack and papers that you were sent (this is called the tribunal bundle)

    copies of any evidence you’ve already sent

    any new evidence you’ve got - hand this in when you arrive at the tribunal centre (try not to turn up with lots of new evidence on the day because the tribunal may postpone the hearing)

    a list of any medication you take, if you haven’t already submitted this as evidence

    receipts for any expenses that it’s been agreed that you can claim back, eg travel by public transport, taxi fare if you can’t use public transport, childcare costs

    pen and paper in case you want to write anything down during the hearing

    make sure you get there in plenty of time - if you’re late, the hearing might start without you

    don’t make a special effort to look smart - it’s important the panel sees you as you are on a normal day

    if you asked for help at the tribunal, for example a sign language interpreter and it’s not available, you can say you need the hearing held on another day

    ask the tribunal centre how you can claim your expenses back

    My tips  from what I have read.

    1. Wear what you feel comfortable with 

    2. Bring Joseph with if you can 

    3. If Joseph  has a wheelchair or any equipment use it for tribunal. 

    4. Don't go with a phone call as the judge won't see what you are like on a day to day basis.

    5. Bring an advocate with.

    Hope these tips are useful and I have helped you. 

  • Cher_Alumni
    Cher_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,714 Championing
    Hello @joey1990000

    Just to let you know I've moved your thread to our PIP, DLA and AA category so we can carry on the conversation there and to make it easier for people to find your question.

    You've had lots of helpful comments from our fab members, so please do come back with any thoughts and we'll support you the best we can.

    Take care and I look forward to speaking again.
  • joey1990000
    joey1990000 Online Community Member Posts: 37 Listener
    Thanks for comments like I said got 3 points but I didn’t score for managing budgeting decisions but in there decision letter it says they know that I need help with managing budget decisions and have stated that but not been scored for it and there’s other bits there basically saying because I take medication and can drive there saying there reasons for such for every desciptors that’s all they said and said don’t have anxiety when clearly says it all on medical evidence I think they try a fob me off but I only noticed when I look at there decisions and thought hang on how can you score me 0 points for m
    anaging budgeting decisions yet u say in your that I do help with that 
  • joey1990000
    joey1990000 Online Community Member Posts: 37 Listener
    I’m not arguing the points for the mixing I thought 2 points for that was fair but everything my parents and medical have told them about my traumatic life thru this illness and they just ignored all mental health team input everything doctors and other evidence says they literally copyed and pasted the same answer on there response all the discrepancies 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,367 Championing
    Try not to focus too much on what they said or didn't say. Have you written and sent your submission?
  • joey1990000
    joey1990000 Online Community Member Posts: 37 Listener
    Yes I have we sent it back online with the pip tribunal 
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    Good luck @joey1990000! Please don't hesitate to let us know if there's anything we can do to support you with this  :)