Can my son formally pay me to be his carer?

Anjo Community member Posts: 7 Listener
edited January 2023 in Benefits and income
I care full time for my young adult son with a range of health issues, autism, learning and communication issues. I receive his PIP to manage on his behalf and this allows me to stay with him at home (I'm a sole parent). We have received an eviction notice (after I asked the landlord to fix the disrepair in our flat and only discuss the 50% rent increase he wants when done). When applying for other flats estate agents use a calculation based on your annual income to see which maximum rent amount you would be allowed. There are almost no flats below the amount calculated for us. When I did find some with low enough rent, I was told the income can't be 100% from benefits, that at least 30% should be from employment. So that leads me to my question; could I set myself up as a self-employed PA/carer and for my son to pay me out of his PIP? So that the PIP payments are turned into earned pay? Are any of you doing this?
PS: we have been placed on the social housing list as 'statutory homeless' but been told there is a 3-5 year waiting list so I'm not having any hopes there.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,444 Championing
    Do you claim any benefits yourself? if so which ones?
  • Anjo
    Anjo Community member Posts: 7 Listener
    Do you claim any benefits yourself? if so which ones?
    Yes, Carer's allowance and housing benefit. Ah, yes, I'd probably stop getting those if my son' PIP is counted as income for me? 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,444 Championing
    Yes, if your son pays you then it is likely to be seen as income if you go down the self employment route. Aren't you claiming any other benefits such as Income Support or tax credits? Do you live with a partner that works?
  • Anjo
    Anjo Community member Posts: 7 Listener
    Yes, if your son pays you then it is likely to be seen as income if you go down the self employment route. Aren't you claiming any other benefits such as Income Support or tax credits? Do you live with a partner that works?
    No, no other benefit and no partner.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,444 Championing
    You should check entitlement to Universal Credit. Use a benefits calculator. The carers allowance will be deducted in full from any UC entitlement. Housing benefit will continue for 2 weeks and then transfer to UC.
    If you claim UC then you need to report being a carer and your maximum UC entitlement will include the carers element.

  • Anjo
    Anjo Community member Posts: 7 Listener
    You should check entitlement to Universal Credit. Use a benefits calculator. The carers allowance will be deducted in full from any UC entitlement. Housing benefit will continue for 2 weeks and then transfer to UC.
    If you claim UC then you need to report being a carer and your maximum UC entitlement will include the carers element.

    Thank you, yes I had a go at that, trying different scenario's.
  • rigavitch
    rigavitch Community member Posts: 24 Connected
    edited April 2023
    Is it legal to hire family members to be PA for my adult daughter. No-one wants the job and it requires lots of intimate and exhausting care...
    My son is (about to be 18) looking for a part time job and I would like to hire him and pay him from my daughters Care package (direct payments) granted by the council.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,444 Championing
    rigavitch said:
    Is it legal to hire family members to be PA for my adult daughter. No-one wants the job and it requires lots of intimate and exhausting care...
    My son is (about to be 18) looking for a part time job and I would like to hire him and pay him from my daughters Care package (direct payments) granted by the council.

    You will need to speak to your local Authority regarding this. Some will allow you to employe familiy members, some won't.