Time speeds up with age

Wibbles Online Community Member Posts: 2,392 Championing

I remember my childhood with seemingly endless weeks off school for summer holidays

Nowadays – it seemed only yesterday when we experienced the heat wave last summer yet it was 6 months ago !

I am convinced that someone is turning up the speed dial as I get older.


  • leeCal
    leeCal Online Community Member Posts: 7,537 Championing
    I think it’s because we are constantly thinking and immersed in our train of thought. When were young we aren’t thinking deeply about anything much and time goes slowly. However, i can remember good times going fast even as a child, which kinda proves my point. 

    There is always another point of view, that a day as a small child represents far more of that child’s lifetime than that of an adult. 

    Time flies like an arrow but fruit flies like a banana (Groucho Marx)
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    edited January 2023
    @leeCal your 2nd paragraph is exactly what I heard, less romantic but seems to make the most sense, to me at least! As an 8 year old a long summer holiday off school is about 1.5% of your life but as a 50 year old it’s about 0.25%.

    That said oddly I find the hours go by really slowly but the years go by really quickly. I don’t know whether that is at all a logical thing to say but it is how I perceive time at the moment. Perhaps something to do with not having anything to fill each day but not wanting to waste my life as the years are so fleeting!!!
  • brightboy
    brightboy Online Community Member Posts: 16 Connected
    Time IS changing, day by day because the universe is getting bigger. That's a fact. However our perception of time is also changing. Our time parses second by second. To a fly were walking around in very slow-motion. As long as we live we will look backwards & find good times lasted longer & dark days (day's went very wrong) don't feel so long as today. You'll find you have a little more time to think. Having time to thing as a child, you might be thinking of the now, plan & in-gage. But your thinking time was short in general. Now you have enough time thinking about time.  
  • Wibbles
    Wibbles Online Community Member Posts: 2,392 Championing
    brightboy said:
    Time IS changing, day by day because the universe is getting bigger. That's a fact. However our perception of time is also changing. Our time parses second by second. To a fly were walking around in very slow-motion. As long as we live we will look backwards & find good times lasted longer & dark days (day's went very wrong) don't feel so long as today. You'll find you have a little more time to think. Having time to thing as a child, you might be thinking of the now, plan & in-gage. But your thinking time was short in general. Now you have enough time thinking about time.  

    I would query as to whether the universe is expanding - some say that it is contracting but because there is no edge to the universe - it is infinite in size - we will never know !

  • rebel11
    rebel11 Online Community Member Posts: 1,671 Pioneering
    I'm checking EBay daily for a 'Time Machine', Time Travel has to be possible, I need a kind alien to borrow me it.  
  • leeCal
    leeCal Online Community Member Posts: 7,537 Championing
    Is it really possible that a person could go back in time and still exist in that time, ie in a time before they existed?
  • Wibbles
    Wibbles Online Community Member Posts: 2,392 Championing
    leeCal said:
    Is it really possible that a person could go back in time and still exist in that time, ie in a time before they existed?
    ...... And kill their parents to prevent their own birth......
    Don't think so
  • leeCal
    leeCal Online Community Member Posts: 7,537 Championing
    i find the concept of time difficult to think about, there's mechanical time by watch and then there's space time which apparently can be bent by gravity?         One things for sure, change happens in a duration, I suppose that duration is time and that time is measured by us with a watch or other more precise mechanism. i expect time can be slowed down somehow but not reversed. Just thinking out loud really.
  • Wibbles
    Wibbles Online Community Member Posts: 2,392 Championing
    leeCal said:
    i find the concept of time difficult to think about, there's mechanical time by watch and then there's space time which apparently can be bent by gravity?         One things for sure, change happens in a duration, I suppose that duration is time and that time is measured by us with a watch or other more precise mechanism. i expect time can be slowed down somehow but not reversed. Just thinking out loud really.

    Time travel will NEVER be possible - if it was - we could go back and warn our past selves not to do something that we did the first time and that would change the space-time contium.. ie) they could be stopped from existing in the present day - so how could they travel back to nowadays if they never existed ?
    or to put it another way - if you travelled back to the birth of your mum and stopped her from giving birth to you - you would no longer exist - so how could you go back in time to stop your own birth ?
    Also where are all of the time travellers now -surely if everyone could time travel in, say 1000 years time - someone would have travelled back to nowadays and given the game away ?
  • rubin16
    rubin16 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 856 Championing
    edited January 2023
    Time Travel is possible and science supports it, however not in the sense of a time machine and travelling back in time, however if you travel at a much faster rate time slows down. So say if your travelling above light speed you will age and see time more slowly than that of people traveling 1 second per second. But its impossible to go back in time, and reverse things. Unless we can travel to a parralel universe. Also Gravity plays a big part in time.

    But once something is done, you can't go back in time and undo it. Time is only ever going forward.
  • brightboy
    brightboy Online Community Member Posts: 16 Connected
    Quantum mechanics has a little say in the matter too.
  • Wibbles
    Wibbles Online Community Member Posts: 2,392 Championing
    brightboy said:
    Quantum mechanics has a little say in the matter too.

    So does the TARDIS - It manages to play with time
  • brightboy
    brightboy Online Community Member Posts: 16 Connected
    If only in the real world. You think life is complicated now? Try think if you change anything in the past