leah2007 Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener

Im hoping someone can help/advise me. I have been diagnosed with FIBROMYALGIA and HYPER MOBILITY last year in September. Still waiting to be seen by specialists for Chronic fatigue syndrome,as there is a very long waiting lists I have an appointment with my GP in two days to see if they are able to look into my symptoms further or even diagnose me so I then know what I have and how to deal with it. At the movement I’m struggling a lot avoiding to go out because I can’t bare the anxiety I get when I go out worrying about my pain in my body and joints I have also got brain fog and constantly feeling tired and don’t feel refreshed after sleep that’s if I get any sleep as my sleep is quite disturbed. I work full time, 1 day in the office and 4 days working from home struggling a lot but can’t afford loosing my job. My husband literally does everything for me. I have managed to get the PIP form filled in and not submitted it yet as waiting on some evidence for chronic fatigue and my medical report from GP. 

Now my worries are people like me with these health conditions what are the chances of success claim? I’m panicking as I haven’t done this before and struggling to even think straight when I think about it. Have anyone with same conditions as me claimed PIP for fibromyalgia, hyper mobility and chronic fatigue syndrome???? 

Please are there anyone out there that are able to put my mind at ease ? How do PIP look at the claims etc ? 

Many thanks 

appreciate taking the time to read my story. 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,414 Championing
    PIP isn’t awarded based on any diagnosis. It’s how those conditions affect you against the PIP descriptors. 

    When you fill out the forms you should include a couple of real world examples of exactly what happened the last time you attempted each descriptor that applies to you. Adding detailed information such as where you were, what exactly happened, did anyone see it and what the consequences were. You should aim for at least half an A4 side of paper per descriptor that applies. 

    When you return your form with your supporting evidence your file will be sent to the health assessment providers. From there it’s likely you will need an assessment because most people have them. Most are done by telephone but there are some done face to face at an assessment centre or by video call. 

    It could take several months sometimes longer from sending the form to having a decision. 

    Please also remember that it’s not about your ability to work. 
  • leah2007
    leah2007 Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener
    Thank you for your advice and feedback 
  • leah2007
    leah2007 Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener
    @poppy123456 I’d like to ask you about something.  
    I have already submitted my form yesterday and waiting now. But 
    I got diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and hyper mobile joints September last year. Rheumatologist only saw me once and examined/assessed me and confirmed diagnoses and said to take the medication GP had prescribed for me and discharged me back to the GP’s care. Now am I right to think that I could put the rheumatologist contact details and my GP details on the PIP form incase they need to contact them about my condition? 

    I’m still waiting to be seen by specialist for Chronic Fatigue clinic so couldn’t put their details as don’t know who am I going to see yet. 

    I have been referred to psychological therapy to be assessed for CBT therapy or they might assess me and refer me to the needed/suitable therapy.  I have my assessment with them on 6th March. I called PIP today to let them know about my psychological therapy assessment appt. 

    I sent in

    tests results 
    Diagnoses letter from rheumatologist 
    Brief patient summary +medication list 
    medical records 

    Do you think these evidence are enough ? 

    The rheumatologist secretary told me just before that the rheumatologist can’t fill in any form about me if DWP contact them as I’m not under the rheumatologist care anymore. But she only saw me once - diagnosed me and discharged me. 

    Many thanks 

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,414 Championing
    You can put anyone's contact details on the form but they very rarely contact anyone so please don't expect that to happen.

    I have no idea if the evidence you sent will be enough because i don't know what it said in the evidence. Please also be aware that PIP isn't awarded based on any diagnosis.