PIP & Blue Badge

OceanBlue73 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
I've recently been refused a Blue badge because I can walk 70m, wasn't breathless despite struggling for breath throughout my mobility assessment and didn't exhibit extreme psychological distress. The assessor proceeded to ask me about being doubly incontinent and asked if I was wearing a pad and this made me very emotional and upset,  he didn't look at any documents I had brought with me and I got the impression that the mobility assessment was just a tick box exercise for the council as he seemed to have already made up his mind.  I found him to lack compassion and found him to be quite intimidating. They acknowledged that I walk at a very slow pace,  had to take frequent breaks and have trouble accessing services as I had to use a cab as there was no parking available. I have no further avenue of appeal other than complaining about the assessment and then complaining to the govt ombudsman.
I have been awarded the standard living rate of PIP but only got 4 points for the mobility component of PIP and this is why I'm seeking a mandatory reconsideration as I don't agree with this part of their decision. Having been refused a blue badge,  is it really worth me appealing the mobility part of my PIP? I did walk the 70m and struggled throughout and because the OH assessor was so intimidating, I wanted to get it over and done with and get out of there as I didn't want him to see me cry again as he was very unsympathetic, brush and dismissive.
I am submitting new evidence for my PIP appeal my sickness records which are asthma and musculoskeletal related absences and my pain management consultant's letters in which she states that she believes me to be depressed and recommends a referral to the local mental health assessment but these are dated a few years ago!
This whole process has made me feel very anxious and stressed out and following my experience at my mobility assessment, feel very depressed. 
I really need to talk to someone and need some help only that I don't know who to approach and am not sure if SCOPE can help me? I suffer with Osteoarthritis of the spine,  carpal tunnel syndrome, underactive thyroid, tendonitis,  incontinence, asthma, type 2 diabetes, anxiety and depression.... the last 3 are not controlled by medication. 
Who can I approach to get advice and help as I am willing to appeal my PIP all the way to the tribunal if I have to. I think it's thoroughly perverse that I'm having to prove how'disabled' I am as they hold the fact that I'm in full time employment only because of the reasonable adjustments my employer has made enabling me to do so.  They seem to want me to be mus asthma attack, flailing around in the floor and say at home in benefits instead of helping me to remain employed and as independent as I can possibly be.... it's simply ridiculous,  humiliating and demoralising. 


  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    edited January 2023
    Being assessed for Blue Badge and being assessed for PIP are separate. Being refused a Blue Badge has no bearing on your PIP.

    For PIP remember atet the assessment considers how you are on the majority of days over a 12 month period. If, on the majority of days, you can walk to a distance of 70m then 4 points would be correct - but only if your waking is to the required standard.

    For advice look on https://advicelocal.uk

  • OceanBlue73
    OceanBlue73 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    @calcotti thank you greatly appreciated. 
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    calcotti said:.. only if your waking is to the required standard.
    ‘Waking’ should, of course, have said ‘walking’ (although not being awake would undoubtedly affect walking)!
  • Puja
    Puja Scope Member Posts: 99 Contributor
    Good evening, so sorry to hear about your experience of pip and blue badge assesment.

    it is sadly a common experience amongst us in here they often don’t treat claimants as respectfuly as they should be rightly 

    to get help with appealing them both, try local CAB, welfare rights or a charity related to one of your conditions they may have a benefits advisor etc? 

  • OceanBlue73
    OceanBlue73 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    @Puja thank you so much for your response. Greatly appreciated 🙂