Need help with housing.

Teresa44 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Connected
Hi , would really appreciate some advise. I live in a housing association property and had an assessment last year by the housing who registered me as needing a move for medical reasons. I am blind with a depth perception issue and with 28 stairs  in my property I have regular falls.  All of my family and support network live in a different city which I am trying to move to. My housing association do not have properties in this city so have said they cannot support me further other then me attempting a house swap on websites. I have registered on three sites and have had no success over the last six months. I also registered with a housing association in the city I want to move to and they have a bidding system of first come first serve which for me is impossible as I use the AI app when using my phone which makes all tasks longer, so by the time I have applied for a property I am Eligible for, at the time the application goes live , I am definitely not going to be the first person and so miss out. I have asked for help from both associations but with no luck. Any advise , imm at my wits end and feeling very low about this . 


  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    Hello @Teresa44

    That does sound frustrating, I'm so sorry. Can I ask, as I don't have a lot of knowledge about the housing associations, are you able to have some advocate for you? Although your family and support network live in a different city, would they be able to help with the bidding so the tasks are not as long?
  • Geoark
    Geoark Online Community Member Posts: 1,464 Championing
    Hell @Teresa44

    As your current housing association does not have properties in the city you wish to move to, I can understand their lack of support.

    With regards to the second housing association, the policy is a little unusual, and could constitute indirect discrimination, as it would certainly put certain groups at an unfair disadvantage. 

    That aside, without knowing who the housing association is my best advice is to speak to someone who can look at the allocation policy for you, to make sure you have the right information, or speak to CAB or local legal advice centre who can let you know what your legal options are.

    I am not disputing what you are saying, but if you have spoken to the wrong person the advice they gave may not  be accurate. 

    Alternatively are there other housing associations in the city you want to move to that you can apply to?
  • newborn
    newborn Online Community Member Posts: 828 Trailblazing
    Not my area of up to date knowledge, but can you a) find advice from a blind charity? b) find a way to authorise one (or more) of your support group in the new area to do the online bidding on your behalf? 
    That would help because they would have the local knowledge about avoiding this or that road, due to particular crime levels or difficult transport, or similar.

    In asking for an agreement with the new council, that you need a local friend or relative to take over the bidding for you, you can remember to mention their  duty to "make reasonable adjustments in the way in which they offer their [goods or] services, in order to meet the needs of disabled users, or potential users, of those services"
  • TracyHall
    TracyHall Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    Hi, do you have a social worker? it sounds as though you might need one and they can help liase with other cities social work teams to help you move. It may be worth a try🤔
  • Teresa44
    Teresa44 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Connected
    Hi thanks all for your advise. Sorry for the delay in responding been MIA for a while. I am going to approach my housing association again and also get in contact with the RNIB for support. Thanks again as even just sharing my frustration has been a help. 
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    We are always here @Teresa44 Please keep us updated :)