PIP reassessment form 1 year ago

Rarebits Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
I received a PIP reassessment form on 23rd February 2022.  The letter/form was dated 10th February 2022.  I received another letter on 6th March 2022 telling me that my form had to be in by 10th March 2022 or my benefit would be stopped.  I sent what I managed to get together and wrote on the form I will forward more information when I get it.  I had to send original hospital appointment letters as my printer was broken.  I suffer with Lupus SLE, Rheumatoid arthritis, Cervical spine neuropathy and I dont go outside the door only to appointments.  I suffer with awful anxiety and depression.  I then received a letter in April telling me that my PIP appeal in 2016 could be affected by a change in law but because a tribunal made the decision they didnt have access to the decision? I was very confused. I received another letter saying I could be owed up to £14000 because of this decision.  I thought this would all be sorted out when I go for my assessment.  I waited, and waited.  Nothing.  I telephoned them last week.  They told me there was a delay because of covid.  They gave me 11 days to get my evidence together and nearly a year later they havent arranged an assessment? I asked about the letter about the change of law and it was as if I was talking gibberish to them.  Very shady about it.  So I manged to find out about this LEAP team. I contacted them.  Again very shady! I gave her my NI number and she told me that my case had gone to tribunal and was unsuccessful? I asked her when and she told me 2020.  I told her the letter was dated 2022 and I read out the letter to her.  She said oh it went to tribunal, thats different! I will put it forward to appeal.  I cant tell you how long it will take! Now how did she read on my notes that my appeal was rejected then all of a suddent it didnt say that when I read the letter out and I mentioned Tribunal! Its all very shady! MEanwhile, I am left waiting for an assessment and an appeal! This is for people who suffer with a psychological distress!! Can someone advise me on what is going on because PIP is doing nothing but increasing my anxiety levels through the roof!


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,461 Championing
    I can't advise about the law changes and the LEAP team. Your review taking so long is perfectly normal and you're not alone in the length of time you've been waiting.

    They've been concentrating on new claims for quite sometime and this has caused huge delays and backlogs with review decisions. We have several members that have been waiting at least a year and a couple of members that have been waiting longer than a year and 1 member that i can think of that's so far been waiting about 18 months.

    Your current PIP will continue until a decision made on your review. In the meantime all you can do is wait. Once an appointment becomes available for an assessment you will be contacted. Most assessments take place through telephone call, some are also video and face to face at an assessment centre. Home assessments no longer take place.
  • Rarebits
    Rarebits Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    Thank you for your reply.

    I understand they have a back log but why send the forms out so early with a deadline to get them back if they are not ready to assess? The whole process is a mess! 

    I have no blue badge and I cant renew it because my PIP hasnt renewed.  I only use it to go to hospital appointments.  

    These delays really do have a knock-on effect. 

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,461 Championing
    They send the forms because you still need to be reviewed. If they didn't send them then the review can't take place. You can contact PIP and ask them to send you a letter confirming your PIP award and you can then use that to get your BB.
  • Rarebits
    Rarebits Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    But they aren't reassessing yet are they? They are creating a backlog.  Perhaps a letter to say they have extended the claim until they are ready to assess? I really do understand I have to be reassessed. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,461 Championing
    Rarebits said:
    But they aren't reassessing yet are they?
    Of course they are, that's why forms are being sent out. Though a lot of people are still waiting, there's also a lot of people that have had decisions on reviews, you only have to scroll through hundreds of threads here to see that.

  • Rarebits
    Rarebits Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    No they are not! They should send out the forms when they are ready to assess! People's conditions can change considerably in a year! What's the point of sending for an update on peoples medical conditions, then not send for them for over a year in some cases? I am quite capable of reading other comments. I was sharing my experience, I don't need the obvious stated! Thank you for your opinion! Massive help!!
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,469 Championing
    It does take the p* that they expect us to return forms within a few weeks (and stop our PIP if they haven't scanned them onto the system in time, totally out of our control) but then don't bother to carry out the assessment for 18 months and counting... 

    I agree, they should have changed the system once the pandemic started and the backlogs starting building up at an alarming rate.  Bit late to change it now though...  Would be a better idea to just write off the backlogs of anyone that's been waiting for 6 months or more and just extend their awards for another 3 years.  That would give them time to sort out the new claims, and reduce the backlog pile to a manageable size, and then those 6 month plus people would be reassessed in 2.5 years time, when hopefully the world has settled down a bit and the DWP is no longer drowning in PIP paperwork.

  • Lou67
    Lou67 Online Community Member Posts: 8,671 Championing

    Hi just to let you know they definitely are doing reviews. I had mine on the 5th off January and got word back on the 19th.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,461 Championing
    Rarebits said:
    No they are not! 
    I’m sorry but you’re not correct. Reviews are taking place they just have very large backlogs. Please don’t shoot the messenger, it’s not anyone’s fault here that there’s backlogs. 
    You can always contact your local MP. 
  • Adeline
    Adeline Online Community Member Posts: 141 Empowering
    Rarebits said:
    Thank you for your reply.

    I understand they have a back log but why send the forms out so early with a deadline to get them back if they are not ready to assess? The whole process is a mess! 

    I have no blue badge and I cant renew it because my PIP hasnt renewed.  I only use it to go to hospital appointments.  

    These delays really do have a knock-on effect. 

    If you currently receive PIP and are waiting for your renewal assessment could you not use your current award that has been extended for your blue badge? Apologies if this is stating the obvious or you have already tried but they have sent some people letters to say they are extending and maybe you could ask for one?
  • Rarebits
    Rarebits Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    I think you are missing my point!
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,461 Championing
    Rarebits said:
    I think you are missing my point!
    I’m not at all. There’s backlogs, I don’t know what else you want me to say. If you have concerns then you should voice those concerns to your local MP. 
  • Adeline
    Adeline Online Community Member Posts: 141 Empowering
    They send the forms when they're due, I imagine in a largely automated process. They're continuing to pay people waiting for reviews which is great. It is of course frustrating to have received the form and not been assessed for more than a year but equally until they receive your form they're unable to know whether you could just be assessed paper-based or what type of assessment you require. Doing it this way at least you are in the queue (so to speak).
  • Rarebits
    Rarebits Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    I know they are doing assessments!! I know there are backlogs! The point I am trying to make is why send for an update on your medical condition if they cant assess you for another year? All they are doing is creating a backlog of people needing assessments! They are dealing with new claims within weeks! And using my experience, the new claimants will be due to be reassessed in 18 months! So they will be joining the queue too!  I don't see the point in sending out forms that will probably need updating in 12/18 months time when the assessment is carried out.  
  • Rarebits
    Rarebits Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    My PIP was extended to 2022 and my blue badge was given up to Jan 2023 (so that DWP would have time to assess me) So now the date has passed, and I still havent been assessed, I have no blue badge
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,461 Championing
    Rarebits said:
    So now the date has passed, and I still havent been assessed, I have no blue badge
    Then ring PIP and ask them to send you a letter to confirm your PIP has been extended and then you can use that letter to renew your BB.