PIP decision and points

THAAWT Online Community Member Posts: 38 Connected
Received pip decision (3 weeks after telephone assessment)

Awarded standard rate (which is the same as before) and is fine.  But there are a few parts where I think should have received points but didn't.

It won't be enough points for the enhanced rate, but I just don't know whether I need to do anything about the possible missing points (even if it won't make a difference financially if that makes sense)
examples is -

"can make complex budgeting decisions" score 0
(said in assessment that partner deals with everything)

"Can plan a follow a route or journey unaided" score 0
(said in assessment doesn't go out alone  - mental health issues)


  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    There is no point challenging the decision unless you think you qualify for the enhanced rate.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    There's 2 parts to PIP, daily living and mobility. Following and planning a journey is part of mobility. Making budgeting decisions is part of daily living.

    I agree with calcotti, it's pointless challenging any decision if you can't score enough points needed for a higher award.
  • Binky1234
    Binky1234 Online Community Member Posts: 468 Empowering
    @THAAWT I'm so pleased you received your decision as it does make things easier. I'm still stressing everyday and every morning when I wake up I hope and pray that today is the day that I hear what the DM has decided.

    It reminds me a that saying waiting for the bell to ring 😀

    Honestly I'm so chuffed for you and hopefully this takes a little pressure off.
    THAAWT Online Community Member Posts: 38 Connected
    Thank you, I was thinking the same BUT my reason for asking is because when we have the next review they may say:

    " Oh I see you can follow a journey, how many times do you go out? " (Whereas this hasn't been the case for a long time)

    "I hear you can make budgeting decisions etc. " (No this isn't true)

    Last award he got 11 points, this award 9 points.

    I would prefer to just put it away and forget about it BUT something is saying that because what's written is incorrect, do I need to appeal to correct it?

  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    edited February 2023
    The next review will be assessed on its own merit at that time,
    THAAWT Online Community Member Posts: 38 Connected
    calcotti said:
    The next review will be assessed on its own merit at that time,
    So nothing from the previous report is taken into account?
    THAAWT Online Community Member Posts: 38 Connected
    Just thought, is it anything above 12 for enhanced?

    Because 9 points were received.
    If it's reassessed and received 2 for budgeting and 2 for not being able to plan a journey) that would take it to 13 points.
    Is it worth it?
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    THAAWT said:
    Just thought, is it anything above 12 for enhanced?

    Because 9 points were received.
    If it's reassessed and received 2 for budgeting and 2 for not being able to plan a journey) that would take it to 13 points.
    Is it worth it?
    Planning a journey is part of Mobility and makes no difference to Daily Living.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    Your next review has nothing to do with the decision on your current award. You don’t need to challenge an award if you can’t score more points for a higher award. You’ll be wasting your time and theirs by doing this. 

    What were you awarded exactly? You said standard rate but there’s 2 parts to PIP, daily living and mobility. 
  • Binky1234
    Binky1234 Online Community Member Posts: 468 Empowering
    edited February 2023
    @THAAWT I wish I knew how the point system and descriptors work hopefully someone can advice soon. When I did the online pip test I came up with basically zero points and yet I get standard for both atm and hopefully this will continue fingers crossed 🤞

    In regards to do they go by previous report in the copy of my assessment report my previous report was mentioned but that was to confirm no change and reason and where change was advised and again reason and further evidence was quoted, I hope that makes sense.

    I have not heard back in regards to what the DM decides and as soon as I hear I promise I will update.

    Take care 
  • nasturtium
    nasturtium Online Community Member Posts: 390 Empowering
    edited February 2023
    THAAWT said:
    Just thought, is it anything above 12 for enhanced?

    Because 9 points were received.
    If it's reassessed and received 2 for budgeting and 2 for not being able to plan a journey) that would take it to 13 points.
    Is it worth it?

    Hello THAAWT
    For Standard you need 8 points or more for daily living and 8 or more for mobility.
    For Enhanced you need 12 points or more for daily living and 12 points or more for mobility.
    Mobility Activity has 2 sections:- Moving around and Planning and Following a Journey and each of those 2 activities have a maximum of 12 points each so a maximum of 24 point for the Mobility Section.
    You said "Because 9 points were received" but did not clarify if that was for daily living or mobility. You are correct that 9 points would give you a standard rate for that activity.
    You cannot add points from one section of the PIP activities to the other Section. For example you cannot add points for daily living section to the mobility section because they are 2 different awards.
    I hope this has helped
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    THAAWT said:
    Just thought, is it anything above 12 for enhanced?

    Because 9 points were received.
    If it's reassessed and received 2 for budgeting and 2 for not being able to plan a journey) that would take it to 13 points.
    Is it worth it?
    You are completely misunderstanding the descriptors and the 2 parts. You don’t add the points together from mobility and daily living. 
    As I previously advised following and planning a journey is part of mobility and not daily living. https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/Global/Migrated_Documents/adviceguide/pip-9-table-of-activities-descriptors-and-points.pdf
    THAAWT Online Community Member Posts: 38 Connected
    Sorry you're right I think I posted in a hurry before going through throughly.

    Last time:
     11 daily living
    4 mobility

    This time:
    9 daily living
    0 mobility

    Reading it through a couple more times and getting my head around it there are a few things that could have had more points and bits that weren't written correctly in daily living.

    Things have got worse since last time and this was said in the assessment so in actual fact I think it would go over the threshold for enhanced.

    I'm still really cross that things aren't true on there.

    I've requested the written report.

    Can anyone tell me what happens with a MR?
    Does it mean another assessment?
    What exactly happens please?

    Thank you for all your replies 

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    So you need at least 3 points more for Enhanced daily living. A worsening of condition doesn’t mean you automatically score more points.

    No points scored for mobility so you need at least 8 points. If you’re claiming for mental health reasons and not physical then you can only score points for following and planning a journey.

    For the MR another decision maker will look at your claim and all your evidence again and come to another decision. No assessment is needed. The most likely outcome of the MR will be the decision remains the same. 

    You need to get some expert advice before going any further to check it’s possible to score more points for daily living and/or points for a mobility award. 

    THAAWT Online Community Member Posts: 38 Connected
    So you need at least 3 points more for Enhanced daily living. A worsening of condition doesn’t mean you automatically score more points.

    No points scored for mobility so you need at least 8 points. If you’re claiming for mental health reasons and not physical then you can only score points for following and planning a journey.

    For the MR another decision maker will look at your claim and all your evidence again and come to another decision. No assessment is needed. The most likely outcome of the MR will be the decision remains the same. 

    You need to get some expert advice before going any further to check it’s possible to score more points for daily living and/or points for a mobility award. 

    Thank you.
    I will take a look.

    Can I just check they can't go back on what they said (the standard daily living 9 points) if I do go for a MR? 

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    Of course it’s possible you can lose points at MR stage and have no award but it’s rare, though it can happen. 
    The most likely outcome will be the decision remains the same. 
    THAAWT Online Community Member Posts: 38 Connected
    Hi, me again. Things have changed as I was contacted out of the blue to say that due to a change in law they re looked at the award and daily living points have gone up to 11. 

    Now if he was to have got the two points for budgeting (which he should have and I didn't ask for an MR as the extra 2 points wouldn't have put him over the threshold because before he was only on 9 points for daily living)

    Now my question is, Can I ask for an MR now even though assessment was over a month ago? 
    I've just received the updated pip award paperwork showing 11 points.

    Tia :)
  • Rick_Gamer
    Rick_Gamer Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Hi, thought I'd throw in my 2 cents.  I've had MD for eight years now and my sympathies lie with fellow sufferers.  This disease is far more debilitating than losing limbs.

    For the benefit of those attempting to claim PIP:

    I applied for PIP and was refused, mandatory reconsideration and was refused, appealed, went to a tribunal and was refused.  Kicked up more fuss than you could possibly imagine and was refused.  Re-applied 6 months later and was awarded only the standard rate (at that point I was exhausted and decided discretion was the better part of valor.  They probably only gave me the the award as it was cheaper than going through the whole extended process again.  We are fighting ignorance, even on the part of the alleged medical professionals who sit at the tribunals.  All I can say is fight tooth and nail and don't be discouraged, you stand a fair chance of wearing them down if you can stay the distance.  
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    THAAWT said:
    Hi, me again. Things have changed as I was contacted out of the blue to say that due to a change in law they re looked at the award and daily living points have gone up to 11. 

    Now if he was to have got the two points for budgeting (which he should have and I didn't ask for an MR as the extra 2 points wouldn't have put him over the threshold because before he was only on 9 points for daily living)

    Now my question is, Can I ask for an MR now even though assessment was over a month ago? 
    I've just received the updated pip award paperwork showing 11 points.

    Tia :)

    You have 13 months to request the MR from the date the decision was made, not from the date of the assessment. If you're outside the 1 month then you'll need to give a brief reason why you didn't request it within this time. If they refuse you simply proceed with Tribunal.
    THAAWT Online Community Member Posts: 38 Connected
    THAAWT said:
    Hi, me again. Things have changed as I was contacted out of the blue to say that due to a change in law they re looked at the award and daily living points have gone up to 11. 

    Now if he was to have got the two points for budgeting (which he should have and I didn't ask for an MR as the extra 2 points wouldn't have put him over the threshold because before he was only on 9 points for daily living)

    Now my question is, Can I ask for an MR now even though assessment was over a month ago? 
    I've just received the updated pip award paperwork showing 11 points.

    Tia :)

    You have 13 months to request the MR from the date the decision was made, not from the date of the assessment. If you're outside the 1 month then you'll need to give a brief reason why you didn't request it within this time. If they refuse you simply proceed with Tribunal.
    Thank you. I wondered if there a is a guide for requesting an MR at all please? Ie what to include etc?

    How on earth do we decide whether to do an MR?

    I know he should have those extra points (he's had them for the last 8 years)

    But everywhere I look online says 'you could loose points when your claim is re looked at'
    Which I know is rare but is it worth risking?

    I highly doubt we'd take it to tribunal as in person is his biggest fear so wouldn't be worth the stress for him.

    So frustrating and I know no one can tell me but I'm just stuck with what to do :(