Potential pain relief for Fibromyalgia sufferers



  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,682 Championing
    I agree that 'different things work best for different people,' but I wouldn't be including or inferring a pet diffuser could be helpful due to complete lack of medical evidence!
  • WelshBlue
    WelshBlue Online Community Member Posts: 770 Championing
    As a sufferer of Fibro' and my daughter a MS victim I can't see anything beyond Exercise (when you can) Medication and ACT helping either of us until something clinically proven comes along.

    MS patients especially should be wary of any 'snake oil' treatments.

    That said it's nice the OP had some relief from the diffuser ... real or placebo'ish
  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 13,236 Championing
    I find planning, pacing and prioritising super key too @WelshBlue (along with meds!)  :)
    I have just today heard that two much planning can give us anxiety.  How planning can maintain anxiety and even make it WORSE! ⚠️

    We often start planning to try and make the unpredictable more predictable. This lessens our anxiety in the short term, however, this only heightens our awareness and alertness to unpredictability so we end up looking out for it even more! Not only that but we also don't get the opportunity to explore and navigate the unpredictable, which would help increase your tolerance of it, and your confidence in your ability to cope with it. 

    This just accelerates the anxiety around unpredictability and the cycle begins again!
    Follow if you want to learn more about your anxiety 🧠 @mind.full.bobbie 
    Source Mind full of bobbles Facebook page. 

  • WelshBlue
    WelshBlue Online Community Member Posts: 770 Championing
    edited March 2023
    General planning possibly.   

    In the case of the 3 P's and pain management it's about planning the physical activity properly.  Less movement etc

    Not going into it like a bull in a china shop.  That's when the pacing comes into it's own and the prioritising ... does it have to be done there and then

    I suffer from different types of anxiety and I've never found the 3 x P's damaging mentally.  The opposite.  They help immensely the days I'm physically able ... all these years later I still find it difficult coming to terms with not being able to work 12 hour days/ 7 days a week but implementing planning, pacing, prioritising I can at least do something sometimes and I feel less of an oxygen thief in myself

    ... but again, one size doesn't fit all