AR1 Pip Review Form evidence

Lissy123 Online Community Member Posts: 26 Contributor
hi there, we recently returned my partner's Pip review AR1 form, he currently receives Highest care and standard Mobility due to mental health, i am also his carer. 

In September of last year he was also diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Disease, I included this in the form, as it also causes significant difficulties to the problems he already suffers from.  i included evidence of the reports from the hospital confirming he has IBD. and medication list, I also sent a letter of support as his carer which i did last time also, saying how his disabilities affect his everyday day living, etc  The form i filled out thoroughly referring to our original copy and basically treating it like it was a new claim.

    Now since sending the form back i have been worrying that despite the form saying not to send evidence in that you have already sent in, should i have done it anyway ? As the hospital letters focus more on his diagnosis of IBD and not so much on the mental health side of things

 As now, i keep reading things that make me think maybe i should have sent in his previous evidence as well, Or do we just wait now until we hear from them and go from there. thankyou so much for your help :)


  • bg844
    bg844 Online Community Member Posts: 3,883 Championing
    If they already have evidence from previous claims they do not need to see these again. If you have any further evidence you wish to send, photocopy and post to the address on his award letter with a covering letter attached explaining it is extra evidence and make sure you write his NI number on this.

    A diagnosis really does not have any bearing on a PIP award. Remember, it’s based on how your disability affects you so you should focus on that and see if extra evidence is relevant.
  • Lissy123
    Lissy123 Online Community Member Posts: 26 Contributor
    Thank you , you have put my mind at ease, :)