Hi, my name is Mikenrox! Below the knee amputation advice

Mikenrox Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited February 2023 in Start here and say hello!
Hello, I am rox and my husband is Mike. He is a bka since 2004.  Never really talked to other bka.. He has this issue with his stump shaking uncontrollably, he cant be alone....Dr dont know how to manage it.  I am looking to see if anyone else has this issue and what may help...It is really bad when he is in bed at night on top of the phantom pain.  Thank you in advance for any advice.


  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi there 

    I am also a bka and I get uncontrollable spasms too not all the time just on odd occasions that sometimes come and go for few days 
    .I find if my stump has been unsupported for long periods it causes it 

    I find painkillers take it away sometimes and also put warm towels on my stump 

    Its not pleasant if I keep busy also seems to relieve it 

    Good luck 
  • Cartini
    Cartini Online Community Member Posts: 1,107 Trailblazing
    Hi janer1967 / Mikenrox,
    This is an interesting subject for me; I was aware of the phantom limb syndrome, but I wasn`t aware of how amputees further suffer after the operation.
    It never occurred to me that someone who seems content sat on a park bench (for example) with 1 complete leg and 1 BKA, or 2 BKAs, that they could still be in pain.
    It appears that there is a misconception, or certainly is in my case, that "ridding oneself of an offending limb" also removes any associated pain / problem with that limb.
    I`ve had my eyes opened and now see amputees in a different light.
    Thank you for that.
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    @Cartini thanks for your contents I don't think you are alone in your thoughts most peoole will think the same but unfortunately there are other after effects. 

    Those that can wear  prosthetic can go through lot of pain in supporting knee and hip and also sore on stump meaning the prosthetic cant be worn 

    I tried a prosthetic leg but then while learning to use it lost my sight in one eye and impairment in other affecting balance so after lots of trying I was too unsafe to progress so I gave up with it 

    Having a limb removed is only the start of a very life changing disability 
  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Hello and welcome to the community @Mikenrox and thanks for reaching out.

    As you can see your husband is not alone in this situation, as some of our members also have lived experience of a below-the-knee amputation (BKA), and the pain management associated with it. 

    Perhaps you could ask your GP if there's any more specialist support you can access in terms of pain management, and support for your husband's stump. What sorts of things do you do at the moment, if you don't mind my asking?

    Let us know if we've missed anything, or can help further at all :) 
  • WelshBlue
    WelshBlue Online Community Member Posts: 770 Championing
    I have the utmost respect for amputees

    ... I've only had a finger and thumb removed and the stumps of those certainly ying in the winter ... couple that with knocking them when it's cold - the other week I thought I was going to pass out when I hit my thumb stump with a hammer ... so a larger area of a limb ... I can only imagine how much discomfort there is, also how a prosthetic can rub and make an area painful.  I've got lumpy granulation on my thumb and just catching that makes me 'ouch'

    Thankfully I don't get many instances of phantom pain, but when I do ... again I can only imagine what limb amputees go through

    Good luck to all 
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    That sounds really painful @WelshBlue :( Especially as you felt you were going to pass out. 

    Is there anything, in particular, that makes it more manageable - particularly on the colder days?  :)