PIP receipt and self employed

rasberry Community member Posts: 24 Connected
Hello.i was wondering if anyone could help me on this.Am on higher rates of PIP and am self employed and on tax credits.What is maximum amount of earnings as a self employed on tax credits and on PIP.What is my earnings capped at ?


  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    edited February 2023
    Earnings have no relevance to PIP because it's not means tested it.

    There is no fixed figure for Tax Credits because it depends on your circumstances. You can play with a benefits calculator if you want to test different levels of earnings.
  • rasberry
    rasberry Community member Posts: 24 Connected
    Thank you Calcotti i will try that calculator .
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,924 Championing
    Have you tried the calculator yet @rasberry and, if so, how have things gone for you? Please don't hesitate to let us know if there's anything else we can do to support you with this  :)