Asking for SOR/ any other verification for previous tribunal decision?

justmeagain Community member Posts: 17 Listener
I'm sorry if this has already been 2018 the tribunal awarded me enhanced award for living. Going by my recent PA4 form I will only receive standard rate. I was wondering if I could still ask the previous tribunal for a copy of how their decision was made. The extra points they awarded still apply. 
It's probably a very long shot! 
If this is not possible is the only way to just repeat everything I used last time? 
Thank you for your time xx 

Nb, Do the tribunal not have their reasoning already written down? Surely they made notes of their decision???? Also when I go to the tribunal after the mandatory process will the 'bundle ' have all my history of my pip claims ie including the tribunal outcome? Do they tend to have that in the bundle as well?


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,722 Championing
    The Tribunal will not have anything related to your last hearing. After a Tribunal hearing if you're not happy with the decision you can ask for the Statement of Reasons and Record of Proceedings but you you need request them within 1 month of the date of the decision.  The Judge needs to write these in their own spare time, which takes a lot of their time and a claimant should only request them if they're not happy with outcome of a hearing.

    If you need to go to request the Tribunal again for the decision you're currently waiting for then i don't think DWP will include anything related to your previous Tribunal. They will include everything you send for this current claim.

  • justmeagain
    justmeagain Community member Posts: 17 Listener
    The Tribunal will not have anything related to your last hearing. After a Tribunal hearing if you're not happy with the decision you can ask for the Statement of Reasons and Record of Proceedings but you you need request them within 1 month of the date of the decision.  The Judge needs to write these in their own spare time, which takes a lot of their time and a claimant should only request them if they're not happy with outcome of a hearing.

    If you need to go to request the Tribunal again for the decision you're currently waiting for then i don't think DWP will include anything related to your previous Tribunal. They will include everything you send for this current claim.

    I'm sure I sent in the tribunal award statement as well with the claim.... if not I'll send at the MR....I honestly don't think the DM actually reads the written information sent in to them...
    I'll see what happens next....