Hi, my name is steph69! can I claim any benefits

steph69 Community member Posts: 1 Listener
edited March 2023 in Benefits and income
I have been diagnosed with severe spinal stenosis and my only option is surgery as I have extensive wear and tear on my spine can I claim any benefits even if I own my home tia 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,444 Championing
    There’s no benefits you can claim based on any diagnosis. 
    For means tested benefits like Universal Credit the home you live in is ignored.
    Whether there’s any entitlement will depend on your circumstances. If you live with a partner you claim as a couple and your joint circumstances will be taken into consideration. Use a benefits calculator to check entitlement. https://www.entitledto.co.uk/benefits-calculator/Intro/Home?cid=573d23f4-1c35-41df-b2a6-8d64723670c6
    If you’ve worked at all in tax years 2020/21 and 2021/22 then you can look at claiming New style ESA. It’s not means tested so other income, savings, capital will not affect the amount you’re entitled to. If you claim both of those together then the ESA will be deducted in full from the UC.
    You can look at claiming PIP which is a disability benefit that isn’t means tested. Whether you’re entitled will depend on how your conditions affect you. 
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,906 Championing
    Hello @steph69

    Welcome to the community! :) I hope Poppy's answer helped with your query. Just to let you know, I popped your post in our Benefits and Financial support section of the forum. Just in case you had any other questions or queries.