Remaining politically neutral during General Election 2024

Under guidance from the Electoral Commission and Charity Commission, it's important that Scope remains politically neutral during General Elections.

While we understand that this period will see many passionate discussions and do not want to discourage open discussion, we cannot allow discussions which are purely intended to influence voting.

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Hi, I'm brenda1970! I will be having a triple heart bypass soon, what benefits can I apply for?

brenda1970 Community member Posts: 7 Listener
i will be having a triple heart bypass very soon. i am uk resident and a national what benfits can i apply for.? thnkyou in  advance.


  • Cher_Alumni
    Cher_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,740 Disability Gamechanger
    Hello @brenda1970 and a warm welcome to our online community, how is it going?

    I'm sorry to hear you'll be having a triple heart bypass. I hope it helps in relation to your condition and improves your wellbeing.

    Have you completed an online benefits calculator before? This will give you an idea of what you will be likely entitled to based on your circumstances.

    Just to add, I've renamed your thread and moved it to our Benefits and financial support category to help make it more visible to others.

    Wishing you all the best with the surgery and a smooth recuperation.
    Online Community Co-ordinator

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  • brenda1970
    brenda1970 Community member Posts: 7 Listener
    thankyou cher.
  • 2oldcodgers
    2oldcodgers Posts: 743 Connected
    i will be having a triple heart bypass very soon. i am uk resident and a national what benfits can i apply for.? thnkyou in  advance.
    From my own experience of having been through this surgery I was up and about within a few days and back doing normal (within reason) activities within a few weeks.
    I never thought about claiming benefits for the surgery or the recovery process. I thought that you had a certain minimum time period to qualify - 6/9 months?
  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,010 Disability Gamechanger
    Would need more information about OP’s circumstances in order to be able to provide any meaningful information. As 2oldcodgers says there may be nothing applicable.
    Information I post is for England unless otherwise stated. Rules may be different in other parts of UK.
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,143 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi @brenda1970 - & welcome to the community. As far as Personal Indepence Payment (PIP) goes, then it's not based upon any diagnosis, etc. but rather how this affects your ability to perform certain activities of daily living &/mobility reliably, &, as above, is dependent on how long you've had problems for, & for how much longer you expect them to last. You can see the eligibility for PIP here:  One hopes, that with surgery you too may improve.

  • brenda1970
    brenda1970 Community member Posts: 7 Listener
    hi calcotti i had a heart attack about 8yrs ago and then i got about 5 stents, so i had an angigram today and was told today i would require a triple or quad  bypass..i am 52.
  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,010 Disability Gamechanger
    edited March 2023
    Do you live alone? Do you claim any benefits already? Do you work? Has your health been impacting your ability to do things? 
    Information I post is for England unless otherwise stated. Rules may be different in other parts of UK.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 56,403 Disability Gamechanger
    For PIP you need to expect to have the difficulties for at least a further 9 months. This may not be the case for you if you’re having surgery which will hopefully improve your conditions. 
    I would appreciate it if members wouldn't tag me please. I have all notifcations turned off and wouldn't want a member thinking i'm being rude by not replying.
    If i see a question that i know the answer to i will try my best to help.
  • brenda1970
    brenda1970 Community member Posts: 7 Listener
    i do work calcotti and not alone
  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,010 Disability Gamechanger
    edited March 2023
    i do work calcotti and not alone
    If you earn more than £123/week if you are going to be off work for a bit you will be entitled to Statutory Sick Pay (or more if your contract provides for that).

    Depending on your financial circumstances you may be able to claim Universal Credit. You can add your joint details in to a benefit calculator and it will indicate whether or not there is any entitlement.
    Information I post is for England unless otherwise stated. Rules may be different in other parts of UK.
  • brenda1970
    brenda1970 Community member Posts: 7 Listener
    ok calcotti thankyou.
  • brenda1970
    brenda1970 Community member Posts: 7 Listener
    hiya all on scope if i am type 2 diebetic will i recive free prescriptions  and allso free dental treatment.if i apply for the exemption certifacate also baring in mind i am in full time employment?? thankyou for replys in advance.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 56,403 Disability Gamechanger
    hiya all on scope if i am type 2 diebetic will i recive free prescriptions  and allso free dental treatment.if i apply for the exemption certifacate also baring in mind i am in full time employment?? thankyou for replys in advance.

    If you take medication to manage your diabetes then you'll be entitled to free prescriptions but you must have a medical exemption certificate. You won't be entitled to free dental treatment.

    I would appreciate it if members wouldn't tag me please. I have all notifcations turned off and wouldn't want a member thinking i'm being rude by not replying.
    If i see a question that i know the answer to i will try my best to help.
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