What benefits I can claim

johnevans Community member Posts: 1 Listener
Hi, My wife became registered severely blind in 2018 and was given full PIP payments
but because I was working full time she was not entitled to claim any other benefits. I have now taken early retirement and claim Carers Allowance which gives me NI credits.
We have looked at what is available for my wife to claim now and are being told because she hasn't paid NI for over 2 years she isn't entitled to claim anything.
DWP are being very vague on this but surely she should have been at least given NI credits.
This doesn't effect her pension as she has enough qualifing years.
Any help advise out there!


  • rebel11
    rebel11 Community member Posts: 1,671 Pioneering
    Hi JohnEvans

    Welcome to Scope's Online site. Lots of info and friendly people on site.

    Have you used the Gov's benefit calculator? It will help narrow down what you are entitled too.

    I'm sure someone has that exact knowledge, who will be along soon.


  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    edited March 2023
    johnevans said:
    ..but surely she should have been at least given NI credits.
    PIP doesn't give her any NI credits.
    johnevans said:
    .. are being told because she hasn't paid NI for over 2 years she isn't entitled to claim anything.
    It's a pity she didn't apply for ESA when she first stopped work - but it's too late now.

    You would both need to claim Universal Credit. A benefits calculator would give you an idea of whether or not you are entitled. 
    If you have joint savings over £16,000 you cannot claim.

    For UC you would get a couple allowance and you can get the carer element. If you wife declares her health condition with a Fit Note she will be referred for a Work Capability Assessment and if found to have Limited Capability for Work and Work Related Activity she will get the LCWRA element from the fourth month. Your CA will be deducted win full.
    johnevans said:
    This doesn't effect her pension as she has enough qualifing years.
    Has she obtained a future State Pension forecast. Everybody can need different numbers of years in order to get a full SP.