PIP Appeal - confused by paperwork from DWP

AbbieP123 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
So I submitted my appeal on 20th Feb and 2nd March DWP responded. Today I got all the paperwork through and I am confused by the timeline, does anyone know what this means? I didn’t receive any calls on the date they’ve written so I am really confused. 

‘An unsuccessful outbound telephone call was made to the claimant to establish if activity 11 disputed.’ 

Now it’s with appeal it says I should only ring the appeals number direct to discuss, does anyone know if that is the appeals department at DWP or the tribunals number. 

Sorry for all the questions! 


  • anisty
    anisty Online Community Member Posts: 354 Empowering
    Well I don't know I'm afraid but thought i'd get your question bumped up by guessing that the 'unsuccessful telephone call' could mean they tried to call but didn't manage to get hold of you.
  • JBS2022
    JBS2022 Scope Member Posts: 2,074 Championing
    It sounds like you could of missed a phonecall. I suggest ringing the number like it suggests.