change of circumstance

robbie9617 Community member Posts: 25 Connected
edited April 2023 in Benefits and income
been served  a section 21, have 2 vacate property this month, been advised to stay here till court order? will i be liable to pay for any of the court fees, also will my benefits change i am on pip and esa to uni credit? is there anyway to stop this from happening, i wont be able to manage with the new payment times etc anyway around this?

thank you


  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    edited March 2023
    Hello there @robbie9617 and thanks for reaching out, I'm sorry to hear what's happened.

    Shelter have some guidance on Section 21 eviction which I hope you will find helpful. Can I ask, when did you get served? As the notice period for this eviction must be at least 2 months. 

    It might be worth getting in touch with Shelter for more specialist advice, or you can always call or email Scope Helpline to speak to one of our advisers. 

    Please let us know if you need help with anything further :)