Pip Appeal over the phone

donut61 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected
edited March 2023 in PIP, DLA, and AA
hi ive got my Pip Appeal over the phone second time for me any tips ive been turned down before ive had citizens advice helping with letters and things


  • donut61
    donut61 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected
    edited March 2023
    sorry i meant to say work capabilities ive got a PIP APPEAL ON 23/3/23
  • donut61
    donut61 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    Hello @donut61

    Citizen's Advice would be helpful again in this situation and so would Scope's Helpline. I think the best thing is to have your application in front of you or any notes of how your health is effecting your day to day. And, to just try and stay as calm as possible, which I know is easier said than done! 

    Keeping everything crossed for you! 
  • donut61
    donut61 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected
    hanks Hannahgoing through a tough time at present also live with mum who has Alzhimers and dad recently fractured his hip so hes in a bed in front room because he cant get upstairs yet

  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    @donut61 If you feel you need any additional support, Helpline will be able to advise there too <3 Have you thought about a needs assessment for your parents? They'll be able to help with any equipment or additional care needed.
  • donut61
    donut61 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected
    Hannah we have all the equipment in house we have had physios come out helping dad hes doing a lot of exercise i dont know nothing about what he gets  in payment wise for mum ie carers or attendence or anything about the finance side of thing we have had a walk in shower fitted rails on or near side doors , me and my sis are taking turns  sleeping downstairs in case dad needs us. we can manage i have been dealing with health issues handing in sicklines every few months to job centre does my head in got a work capabilities assesment coming up and a pip appeal, can really get to you when on top of this your mum is trying to get out side door front door patio door, not all the time just when shes in that mode which can be very aggresive at times in how she speaks, al in all a great time is had by all( ha ha) sorry no its serious just got to keep going  
  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Thanks for explaining @donut61 it's positive to hear your dad has the equipment and support he needs, not only from physios, but also from his family :) 

    It can be difficult managing all this with your mum's Alzhimers as well, but it sounds like you are all supporting each other as well as you can and seeing the funny side, which sometimes is really important too.

    Keep us updated with your PIP, and if we can help with anything else in the meantime, please ask!
  • donut61
    donut61 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected
    will do got my work capabilities assesment over phone this afternoon 13/3/23  not looking forward to it with everything going on with parents got to deal with that as well today 
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Online Community Member Posts: 8,674 Championing
    edited March 2023

    Good morning and good luck for this afternoon, if your using a mobile make sure it’s fully charged and have a glass off water beside you incase you need it, just take your time answering your questions.

    You’re going through a lot and supporting your parents really good.
    Remember you need time for you too, although that’s probably hard at the moment.
    Let us know how your assessment went.

    Take care ❤️
  • donut61
    donut61 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected
    thanks Lou67
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    Glad to hear you have all the equipment @donut61 How did your assessment go? 
  • donut61
    donut61 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected
    hi there Hannah went ok i think, you try not to go over top with answers sometimes but its difficult, ive got my mum here who is like night and day one minute calm and next very demanding ( alzhimers) dad in front room with a fractured leg healing moving around on his zimmer, never understand when they get you to touch your nose ear whatever and other things i got a bit flustered with my answers but ive done my bit now  , just got the PIP APPEAL  now on 23/3/23  , i text my sister earlier and said i dont know whats more depressing at present Corby town centre , the job centre  or everything going on in my house at present, 
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    I'm glad it went ok, remember we are here if you ever feel you need any more support. Glad to hear the appeal isn't too far off, do you feel prepared? 

    My grandmother had Alzheimer's and although only a teenager at the time, I remember it well. It's a horrible disease so feel free to vent away <3
  • donut61
    donut61 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected
    i think im prepared Hannah made a few notes had a tough day today with mum tryi ng to get out went toilet  ending up with poo prints on door  me and my sis are sharing care duties like anything theres good days and bad but mum is getting more fragile and dad is sitting in the middle of it trying to cope hes getting physio for a fracture in his leg so it is a crazy house at present.
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    So sorry you had a tough day :( Have you got a date for your dad's physio? Hopefully he is up on his feet as soon as possible and the house won't be as hectic! 
  • donut61
    donut61 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected
    hi there got my LETTER TODAY from the Appeal letter arrived 27/3/23    got excited THEN opened it only to be kicked down when am already down my appeal was unsuccesful im fuming x
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,346 Championing
    I'm sorry to hear that. You said this is the 2nd time you've been refused. Have you ever got some expert advice to check that you can score enough points needed for an award? I'm not saying you don't qualify because i have no idea how your conditions affect you but you can have a disability but not qualify for PIP because if you don't meet the descriptors you won't score the points needed for an award.

    You can request the Statement of Reasons and Record of Proceedings from HMCTS within 1 month of the date of the decision. Once you receive those you'll need to find someone to take a look to see if the error in law can be found. If it can't unfortunately, you can't take it any further.
  • donut61
    donut61 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected
    thanks poppy123456  i was a bit stressed out earlier calmed down a bit now  my sisters have gone away  so im on full carers ,mode  im just thinking  about me  helping caring for my parents dad fractured hip mum  alzhimers saying that has gone against me i think i mentioned it to them also i couldnt find the copy of my answers i had on forms i filled in helped my someone at citizens advice .
  • donut61
    donut61 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected
    dont know if go any further now ive just come back from citizens advice and handed the letter i got yesterday from my PiP DECISION into them there guy thats been on my case he cant understand why i didnt get enough points to get PIP 
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    It does sound like you are having a really difficult time at the moment @donut61 and it is understandable that you are feeling stressed. Is there anything, in particular, that helps you to calm down when you are feeling stressed? Hopefully, things will improve for you moving forwards  :)