Hi, my name is Barry83! Does getting pip make any difference or have any influence on LCWRA?

Barry83 Scope Member Posts: 6 Listener
edited March 2023 in PIP, DLA, and AA
Ok, Hi Everyone! 
So I was wondering if there's anyone that might be able to help, I've recently just gone through the whole pip process with success, I'm currently waiting to here back from lcwra does anyone have any experience of this is it the same kind of process as pip? Does getting pip make any difference or have any influence on getting awarded lcwra? Thanks everyone 🙂


  • JBS2022
    JBS2022 Scope Member Posts: 2,074 Championing
    edited March 2023
    PIP does not affect LCWRA, they are different assessments.  As PIP is not means tested it won't affect LCWRA so they don't need to be notified, they will know anyway
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,660 Championing
    Hi @Barry83 - & welcome to the community.

  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    Hello @Barry83

    Welcome to the community! :) I hope you are well?

    Just to let you know, I merged your threads together so everything is in one place for you :) 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,862 Championing
    It would be worth letting UC know that you've been awarded PIP, though it doesn't affect it in a bad way. If you've been awarded daily living PIP and you're claiming UC with a partner, if they look after you for at least 35 hours per week then they can claim carers element of UC.

    If you're claiming UC as a single person and you're privately renting your home, under 35 then you'll be entitled to the 1 bedroom rate of LHA instead of the shared rate.
  • mossycow
    mossycow Scope Member Posts: 486 Pioneering
    Hi there, 

    I get both. 

    In my situation I got PIP (personal independence payment) first and there's no means testing. You can be on any income and still get PIP as its about helping with the extra costs us disabled people face 

    When we moved to Universal credit I stopped getting ESA (employment support allowance) but PIP continues. I think this can cause some confusion.

    Having PIP is like a gateway benefit. Many things look and say if you have pip we know you need this (blue badge, bus pass, companiom tickets etc)

    So having PIP helps with proving you need the part of Universal Credit where you're unable to work IF that's what your PIP says.

    Im so very grateful for both benefits as I had to stop work. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,862 Championing
    mossycow said:

    So having PIP helps with proving you need the part of Universal Credit where you're unable to work IF that's what your PIP says.

    That's not exactly correct. PIP has nothing to do with someone's ability to work. They are different benefits, with different criteria.

  • Barry83
    Barry83 Scope Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Hi Poppy123456,
    Many thanks for the info, Currently I have no idea in terms of what I'm now entitled too after being awarded pip, I was awarded Enhanced daily living and standard Mobility. I'm currently in shared supported accommodation being supported by a "support worker". I'm hoping that now after being awarded pip it will highlight to the authorities that my accommodation is not actually suitable for my needs. For example I'm allocated a room on the ground floor, the bathroom is two floors up as I do not have the ability to actually walk up the stairs, that kind of thing, I'm currently trying to work out the best way to approach it and to see where the best place was to try and get some advice. 
  • Barry83
    Barry83 Scope Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Hello @Barry83

    Welcome to the community! :) I hope you are well?

    Just to let you know, I merged your threads together so everything is in one place for you :) 
    Thank you 😊
  • Barry83
    Barry83 Scope Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Barry83 said:
    Hi Poppy123456,
    Many thanks for the info, Currently I have no idea in terms of what I'm now entitled too after being awarded pip, I was awarded Enhanced daily living and standard Mobility. I'm currently in shared supported accommodation being supported by a "support worker". I'm hoping that now after being awarded pip it will highlight to the authorities that my accommodation is not actually suitable for my needs. For example I'm allocated a room on the ground floor, the bathroom is two floors up as I do not have the ability to actually walk up the stairs, that kind of thing, I'm currently trying to work out the best way to approach it and to see where the best place was to try and get some advice. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,862 Championing
    Your Local Authority won't know your issues unless you tell them. You can refer yourself for a needs assessment from your local Authority. Someone will come to your home and assess your needs. There many other options available where you live so you can remain where you are, rather than move house. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/social-care-and-support-guide/help-from-social-services-and-charities/getting-a-needs-assessment/

  • Barry83
    Barry83 Scope Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Your Local Authority won't know your issues unless you tell them. You can refer yourself for a needs assessment from your local Authority. Someone will come to your home and assess your needs. There many other options available where you live so you can remain where you are, rather than move house. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/social-care-and-support-guide/help-from-social-services-and-charities/getting-a-needs-assessment/

    Thank you for info, much appreciated.  There's alot of info out there on all kinds of stuff,  but generally always refer back to this site and took some good advice when I was going through the pip process.  😊👍