
JBS2022 Scope Member Posts: 2,074 Championing
edited March 2023 in Benefits and income
Due to my husband's mental health I want to be an appointee (he agrees), but he wants to carry on being paid his benefits into his account ( I have no issue with this). Due to his inability to communicate  well with the DWP, I want to be an appointee purely for speaking and attending assessments. Is it possible for him to carry on recieving his own benefits? Or will I have to take over his money. I have no idea how this works.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,444 Championing
    If someone is mentally incapable or severely disabled then you can be their appointee. Usually this means their money is paid into your bank. There’s no harm in asking if the money can continue to be paid into your partners bank. 
    You will need to ring the department of the benefits he’s claiming. 
  • JBS2022
    JBS2022 Scope Member Posts: 2,074 Championing
    I pretty much control his bank account anyway so changing the payments to me is pointless ( although it isn't official). I will ring them on Monday. Thanks.
  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Best of luck @JBS2022 let us know how the call goes as and when :) 
  • JBS2022
    JBS2022 Scope Member Posts: 2,074 Championing
    Best of luck @JBS2022 let us know how the call goes as and when :) 
    I definately will giving them a bell tomoz.