Attendance benefit

System Posts: 145 Online Community Programme Lead
This discussion was created from comments split from: Ileostomy with large hernia.


  • Maisie49
    Maisie49 Community member Posts: 2 Listener
    My husband has a stoma. He has also got a large hernia next to the stoma and the surgeon has said it’s permanent for the stoma and the hernia as they can’t repair the hernia as it’s too close to the stoma. He gets a lot of pain but nothing can be done. I have filled out a form on behalf of my husband to claim an attendance benefit, not heard anything yet and that was 7 weeks ago.
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,906 Championing
    Hello @Maisie49

    Welcome to the community! :) I'm so sorry to hear about your husband being in a lot of pain. I also have an ileostomy and if it is ok to ask, did they ever discuss moving the stoma onto the other side? or is that not an option? There are some great hernia support garments out there that can help with the pain, if he asks his stoma nurse they can be ordered through the NHS. There are also companies like Comfizz, Cuiwear and Vanilla Blush that you can order from yourselves as part of his NHS prescription. 

    I'm so sorry you haven't heard anything from attendance benefit yet, I do believe it can take up to 12 weeks. 
  • Maisie49
    Maisie49 Community member Posts: 2 Listener
    Hello Hannah,
    thank you for replying. We have been through asking the surgeon could the stoma be moved to the other side because of the hernia  and it can’t be done. I have already got my husband hernia support belts so he is fine with them. We have a great  stoma nurse who I have been speaking to these last few days and she is looking into this for us. I do believe it is around 12 weeks we have to wait to see if my husband can receive a benefit. 
    marilyn X😘
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,906 Championing
    That's such a shame, hopefully a solution comes through soon to help him with the pain and get the hernia fixed. I'm very glad you hear you have a great stoma nurse, I love mine.

    Will keep everything crossed you hear soon! :)