Removal of WCA

shadow66 Scope Member Posts: 25 Contributor
On the face of it, removing the work capability assessment seems like a good thing. But surely it will have to be replaced with something? The DWP aren't just going to take someone's word for it that they aren't fit enough to work.  'Seeing what work the person feels they can do' has been mentioned, but what will this mean in practice?

We are made to jump through so many hoops, having to prove that we aren't trying to cheat the system, that we really are deserving of the paltry amount they decide is sufficient to live on. Saying they are going to change the system but not going into the detail of how it will work in practice, is just one more worry that the sick and disabled don't need in their lives.


  • Becky93
    Becky93 Community member Posts: 57 Empowering
    No-one knows at this point, because how it will work in practice isn't clear. In theory combining everything into one assessment isn't terrible, and would save the government money. In practice the PIP assessment as it is right now isn't fit for this purpose (though neither really was the WCA). The idea going around a lot about work coaches having more influence in decision making of how fit you are for work is also concerning, when they normally have no understanding of many conditions.

    You could say in theory there would be changes to the PIP assessment, training for work coaches, but does anyone seriously believe that's the way this will go?

    The only upside is that it's so far away, and it's going to take so long to put all this in place, that it could easily fall apart, or see changes before any of it any happens to begin with. For starters surely a lot of extra work coaches would be needed to deal with this extra work load, especially when working with people on LCWRA or PIP is going to be much more difficult than working with someone who is just between jobs.
  • JBS2022
    JBS2022 Scope Member Posts: 2,074 Championing
    edited March 2023
    The government believe most people are capable of doing some kind of work unless they have a severe disability like Terminal Cancer, so the plan is to focus on the work people can do, that's why the are scrapping the WCA. Everyone will be helped to find a suitable job (or some kind of course/education). For mental health issues I think this is a good idea, since being stuck at home all day is not conducive to improved mental health. I know I've been in that situation and working helped.