PIP Moving Home

Purplenails Online Community Member Posts: 24 Contributor
Hello I am new here only joined two days ago so still finding my way around. I wanted to ask a few questions with regard to PIP and moving. I was awarded enhanced PIP in June 2022 for both daily living and mobility. I currently own my home a two bedroom terraced house with no mortgage so I am the outright owner. Due to difficulties climbing stairs and anti social behaviour my Husband and I would like to move to a ground floor apartment. I know that I can request a OT assessment for my needs but we would really like to move as opposed to staying here. We are looking at renting privately but I wanted to know if the daily living component of PIP would be stopped once we have moved. I realise if I moved to sheltered housing then it could be interpreted that care and support are provided and would lose the daily living component. How does it work with regard to renting a flat or bungalow firstly from a housing association and secondly renting from a private landlord?
Thank you for any assistance or guidance that you can provide.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    Your PIP will not be affected by moving house. It will just be a simple change of address.
  • Purplenails
    Purplenails Online Community Member Posts: 24 Contributor
    Hi Poppy Thank you for your reply. I have heard about people having issues with their PIP being stopped due to moving into sheltered housing as DWP have claimed that care is provided when it is not. Will moving house trigger a new assessment.?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    Moving house will not trigger a new assessment. If someone has had their PIP stopped because they are living in sheltered housing then their PIP stopping is incorrect.
  • Purplenails
    Purplenails Online Community Member Posts: 24 Contributor
    Hi Poppy thank you for your assistance.😀