PIP Video Assessment

System Posts: 194 Online Community Programme Lead
This discussion was created from comments split from: Pip video assessment next week. Any advice?.


  • navalnurse
    navalnurse Online Community Member Posts: 16 Listener
    Good morning,I have my video assessment next week,have been on standard pip for last 6 years but my condition has incredibly worsened and I’d filled in how my condition affects me with the backup of GP letters and all hospital documents but still need video,I’m dreading it ,I will have my husband with me,I have also earl6 onset d3mentia age 65 and get really flustered
  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Good morning @navalnurse and welcome, thanks for taking the time to reach out :) As you'd posted on an older thread, I thought I'd make this into a new discussion, so it's easier for our members to share their thoughts and advice with you.

    It's positive to hear that you've got plenty of evidence to back up your claim form and that you'll have the support of your husband on the day.

    No matter if it's the first time or the fourth, these assessments don't feel much easier to go through, and can be quite stressful. It's okay to get flustered I think that's only natural!

    Do you have a dairy, or any notes on your answers in the form, that you could have with you? Some people find having things written down helpful, as then they can go through it one by one, and make sure they've covered everything. 

    if you feel there's anything we could lend a hand with, please ask, and we'll do what we can.
  • navalnurse
    navalnurse Online Community Member Posts: 16 Listener
    Thank you Alex for your reply, I have early onset dementia so the only way I can remember anything is to write it down,is this allowed into an assessment
    my husband will also be with me to back everything up,I just don’t understand why I have to still be put through all this when I have all 5he documentation too
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,047 Championing
    You can make notes before the assessment so you have something to refer to. 
    Most people have assessments even for reviews. Paper based assessments are rare.