PIP appeal legal costs



  • rebel11
    rebel11 Online Community Member Posts: 1,669 Pioneering
    Shazzys07 said:
    Thank u dwp has until the 5th May to respond. I need to do a personnel statement of how ut affects me and also just recieved the assessors report and she keeps mentioning I use crutches and can cook when infact I don't use crutches and cannot weight bare on my foot so I cannot even stand to cook x Sgould I out all this down or wait till the hearing
    73% of Appeals succeed at Hearing.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,289 Championing
    If there's any obvious errors in the report you can mention those but then put the report to one side and forget about it. This isn't going to get you a PIP award. The Tribunal will already know that many assessment reports are flawed.

    If you have any extra evidence to send you should send this before the hearing date.