PIP MR refused, help to challenge this

Alig7 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
Hi @chrisssy
Well done on.your award,,im curremtly in dealings with dwp as they stopped my lower pip back in oct .
They refused my first reconsideration and today ive recieved a text from them saying that upon looking at my appeal ,they have sent me a letter and if theres anything to add i can do so at my appeal ..
Does this mean its going to court? I.didnt think they could tell you via text ,or is that just a generic text they sent ot anyone who is appealing
Im worried sick and i know i cant face a tribunal 
Ive also today been diagnosed with long covid along with my other issues ,and the dwp have had a sick note sent to them from my doctor as theyve said im not fit to work
Im currently on limited capability for work ,so was told to challenge this
I.dont know what to do anymore 