Voluntary National Insurance payments

Whirlygirl1 Online Community Member Posts: 17 Connected
edited May 2023 in Work
Im disabled with progressive MS.  I have one more year's worth of National Insurance payments to make in order to be able to claim full penson when I reach retirement age.  I was advised that if I went self-employed this would be cheaper (Ive not worked for 5 years but was then employed and after this I made 2 years worth of full contributions as if I was still employed.  Last  year I went Self Employed as someone locally was prepared to offer me a role working from home - however, unfortunately this did not work out as the contract was not suitable. (they had no experience of contract law and I was advised not to take it under any circumstances).

This leaves me with a self employment UTR number (which is great) and Ive been advised to pay my final National Insurance year using this as it is cheaper than if I was employed.

Please can someone tell me how do I found out what the amount would be that I need to pay for the April 22/April 23 year? as a self employed person.  Also who do I need to call to make the payment? 
