Pip appeal

gerrys6 Online Community Member Posts: 178 Contributor
I received my decision from pip not to pay me for descriptor of going on a journey on your own. I was going to appeal it coz mandatory was upheld I keep looking at the online form but don’t know where to start the deadline (the month was two days ago) am I too late and fluffed it before I’ve begun ?


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    You have 13 months to request the Tribunal. You just need to make sure you tell them why you didn't request it within the first month. When requesting the Tribunal you just need to give a brief reason why you disagree. Are you 100% certain that you can score points in the descriptor?
    You can also get some expert advice from an agency near you. https://advicelocal.uk/welfare-benefits

  • gerrys6
    gerrys6 Online Community Member Posts: 178 Contributor
    this is why this is why I’m late sending it back I’m deliberating because I know I can’t do a journey alone and I’m getting more increasingly agoraphobic as I’m indoors so much but I’m ok in a car with my family but not a chance I could (nor would they let me as they know I can’t now) get on transport and plan and follow a route of any journey unaided. Last few times I tried that on my own about a year or more I got off the next stop shaking and feeling sick I also catastrophise every single thing so I work myself up in my head another time got off in one stop crying and got sick. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Did you score any points at all for following and planning a journey? If so which descriptor?
  • gerrys6
    gerrys6 Online Community Member Posts: 178 Contributor
  • gerrys6
    gerrys6 Online Community Member Posts: 178 Contributor
    that is just the one that is the second question after mobility  moving about I got 4 points for that 
  • gerrys6
    gerrys6 Online Community Member Posts: 178 Contributor
    also also they present it as one question but there’s so many other questions off that one.. it’s quite catching sue rang me a lady from there dept to get more info on that question and I said about the time I drove to somewhere got lost had a breakdown hysterics etc and someone had to come get me which took me ages to find out where I was because I never had satnav and wouldn’t leave the car I had to wait till someone that looked ok walked past and I could get the postcode… but never knew she was in about public transport .
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    I can certainly hear how there are multiple layers to that question for you @gerrys6 and that sometimes having it as a single question doesn't always allow for your experience. 

    How are you feeling about everything at the moment, especially after having been given the opportunity to give more information on that question?

    Please don't hesitate to let us know if there's anything we can do to support you, even if that's just listening to you  :)