Pip appeal

emmagarcia Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener
Hello im new to this my 1st time joining could someone advice me on if to appeal pip to a tribunal please i was awarded the enhanced rate to pip daily living component i was scored 4 points on the mobility component as in my decision letter was told i was confident in speaking and was capable to plan a journey safe when i was assessed by capital via phone call i was in a mental health hospital and was asked to give my phone to staff who spoke on my behalf an capita assessed me as been the staff as all i said was my name and i was in hospital i cannot leave my house alone at all i have to have someone with me when outdoors i avoid going out in public that is with having someone with me i have panic attacks that im so nerves paranoid cannot breath i suffer with anxiety depression bpd borderline personality disorder i did ask for a mandatory reconsideration letter but had no joy but this was of may 2022 and im not sure if i can still take it to appeal at a tribunal could someone please help me thank you for your time and letting me join this site much appreciated


  • unclebob
    unclebob Online Community Member Posts: 145 Contributor
    Hi Emma yes take it to tribunal PIP give me no points at all but when i took it to tribunal i won mobility component and daily living component
  • emmagarcia
    emmagarcia Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener
    Do you know if their is a time limit as im not sure 
  • unclebob
    unclebob Online Community Member Posts: 145 Contributor
    Do you know if their is a time limit as im not sure 
    Sorry not sure, but i'm sure someone will know on here.
  • emmagarcia
    emmagarcia Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener
    How do i ask someone ? Sorry im new to all this 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,042 Championing
    edited March 2023
    You have 13 months to appeal the decision but as it's outside of the 1 month then you need to give a reason why you didn't request it within the first month. It's very unlikely the Tribunal will refuse a late appeal.

    You can request it here. https://www.gov.uk/appeal-benefit-decision/submit-appeal please also be aware that they won't be able to take into consideration any worsening of condition since the original decision was made.

  • Dubz
    Dubz Online Community Member Posts: 22 Connected
    Hi Emma, please appeal as soon as you can. You have plenty of reasons for being late with all that you are suffering. They said you were confidently speaking yet you didn’t speak, has got to be an error. This planning a journey business when you can’t even leave the house is crazy. I’m shocked that you were in hospital at the time of the call and a professional spoke on your behalf and you were still refused. I suffer with much of what you suffer with as well as 2 physical incurable diseases and I received a refusal letter today after my review and received no points at all.
    This aside, I felt I had to answer you, as appeals are often successful and I urge you to do it, or ask someone to help you, before your time runs out. Good luck 🤞 
  • emmagarcia
    emmagarcia Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener
    Thank you so much for your advice i will click on the link that someone has kindly told me how to get the ball rolling the whole claim for pip from start to finish made my mental health worse as it was my second time applying for pip  after getting refused the first time i scored 4 points on mobility component for a back problem for siatica but nothing for mental health my pip questionnaire form wasnt needed in this assessment as i was told they didnt need it unless they went off the previous form from the year before when i got refused completely thank you for your comments and advice i will click on the link and have a look coukd someone tell me who is best to ask for help with the pip appeal as i struggle speaking on the phone also face to face not sure what hapoens next when appealed to a tribunal
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,042 Championing
    You can see what advice agency is local to you here. https://advicelocal.uk/welfare-benefits However, please also be aware that you will be expected to speak for yourself during your hearing. You can ask for a face to face hearing, if you find talking on the phone more difficult.

  • emmagarcia
    emmagarcia Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener
    Thank you for your advice i will click on the link now 
  • Dubz
    Dubz Online Community Member Posts: 22 Connected
    Emma, I know exactly how you feel. I felt awful after I took the call and have been waiting for six weeks for the decision and I was shocked and I’m trying desperately to not go back into a deep depression over it. If you can ask your GP or mental health team for a letter and anyone else that knows your daily struggle and send to them, that may help. I’m going to gather as much as I can possibly think of! 
    I will be back shortly with a bit more advice, just got to take a call. 

  • emmagarcia
    emmagarcia Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener
     Dubz, thank you for your reply it really does affect peoples mental health also that is why it has taken me so long to try to appeal via the tribunal as how it affects you and makes you think should i just not bother but i gave come this far i just want help in what im entitled to my g.p has said he cannit write a letter to say how mobility affects me as he doesn't see how this affects me and yes your right the more evidence the better thanks for your reply and time also sending youlots of luck also 
  • Dubz
    Dubz Online Community Member Posts: 22 Connected
    So, just wanted to add, a phone call would be better in my opinion, especially as you struggle to get out. You can have someone with you to help answer the questions. Remember they are independent and are not on anyone’s side. They look at the whole picture. It’s horrible having to convince these people you are unwell, but write down down every single thing you can think of, start a list now and add to it as and when you remember. If they don’t cover what you’ve written, ask them at the end, if you can read it to them. I hope you get some support sorted out. I’m here if I can help xx 
  • emmagarcia
    emmagarcia Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener
    Can i appeal to a tribunal over a phone call ? I thought it was face to face so sorry i think i have read how to appeal wrong i woukd struggle doing an online appeal and was thinking of doing a letter of appeal i wasnt sure if the appeal tribunal told you if it would be face to face or via phone call it really stresses me out alk this does to be honest i have to keep telling myself keep going dont give in thats why i have joined this to see what best way to go about things i hope you understand my head and mind wonder so sorry if its hard to understand me 
  • Dubz
    Dubz Online Community Member Posts: 22 Connected
    Emma, your doctor is wrong. Can you ask a different GP? Or how about your mental health team? It’s not specifically about your mobility, it’s all the mental stuff, that affects your every day living. Our mobility is affected because it makes us not want to do anything! Have you got a list of the silly questions that score you the points? 
  • Dubz
    Dubz Online Community Member Posts: 22 Connected
    I’m understanding you Emma, I know what it’s like. You can request a phone call, because I did one over the phone. You tell them that you are unable to leave the house. The amount of anxiety you are suffering, this should be granted, when I had mine, I think they put me on loudspeaker their end, there were three of them, two men and a woman. The woman was really nice and understanding. Just remember they are doing it all of the time so please don’t take anything personally. It’s hard though isn’t it. It’s helping me to help you, because I am trying to tell myself as well! I’m glad you reached out on here (I’ve only just joined) please do fight for what you are entitled to, and hopefully it will all be worth it in the end. 
  • emmagarcia
    emmagarcia Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener
    Yes i have a list of how you ate score i was awarded enhanced rate for daily living component due to how my illness affect me day to day due to my mental health how i battle everyday to even want to get out of bed i just dont understand how they can score me enhance for day to day living but dont think it affects me out doors or planning a journey the thought of pkanning and going to the end of my road makes my heart race and makes me nervous panic struggle for breath the noises of cars horns people crowds i just cannot manage im not sure what they dont understand to be honest the thought of the questions causes my mental health worse i have suicidal thoughts attempted suicide twice was hospitalised when i had the capita l phone call its so hard fo get a benefit that is supposed to help and support you as you need extra care so sorry for my rant im not sure why its so hard tk claim im so thankful for all the help and support that you can get on here thank you i will not give in 
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,727 Online Community Programme Lead
    Good morning @emmagarcia,
    I hope the comments in this discussion have been useful to you?

    I just wanted to ask if you're getting support with your mental health at all? Do you have access to a crisis team?

    I appreciate how difficult the PIP appeal and assessment process can be, so I just want to make sure, if you're struggling with thoughts of suicide, that you know you can reach out to:
    • Samaritans on 116 123
    • Shout by texting SHOUT to 85258
    • Hub of Hope

    Of course, if you ever feel like you might be at risk of immediate harm, please call 999.

    I've sent you an email offering some additional support, so please keep a look out for that!
