DLA Phone call

zaraalowes Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
On the 2nd March 2022, I had a letter stating they were still looking at my claim for my daughter. Then I recieved a text on the 21st march saying they were still looking at it. I bit my tongue and rang them yesterday they told me that there's now a 14 week wait and my claim hasn't even reached the decision makers desk. 

Just curious to know about is this OK to do because as stated they said they have 12 weeks to make a decision? My daughter has a rare genetic condition which was passed on by her dad, Epidermolysis bullosa simplex, she suffers every day with really bad blisters on her skin. She needs dressings and they need lancing with needles and lots of lotions and potions to help her through everyday. I would say I'm a bit anxious about it all and whether she will just be tossed off by them. 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    The timescales they tell you are only ever a guide. A decision can be made within that time or after that time. Backlogs cause delays with decisions and i have heard that DLA decisions are currently up to about 16 weeks, sometimes longer. There's nothing more you can do but wait. Once a decision is made you will be contacted.