Pip and blue badge

chloeanne Online Community Member Posts: 14 Connected
Hello, I’ve just gotten my pip award letter through the door and I’ve looked at what I’ve been awarded. I got 10 for mobility because I can’t plan or follow a journey without someone with me due to extreme anxiety in public spaces due to autism. I was wondering if anyone has any information on being able to get a blue badge? Is this something I may be eligible for? I always assumed it was for people who struggled to walk physically


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,108 Championing
    edited March 2023
    If you live in England to automatically qualify for a BB through a PIP mobility award for following and planning a journey you must score points in activity 1E "can not undertake any journey because it would caused overwhelming physcological distress to the claimant" This doesn't mean you can't still apply but you'll need to send evidence to support your claim.

    As you scored points for activity D then this doesn't automatically qualify you.

    If you get Personal Independence Payments (PIP)

    You’re automatically eligible for a Blue Badge if you either:

    • scored 8 points or more in the ‘moving around’ area of your PIP assessment
    • scored 10 points in the ‘planning and following journeys’ area of your PIP assessment and were put in category ‘E’ - this means your stress, anxiety or other mental health issue stops you leaving the house

  • Markey
    Markey Online Community Member Posts: 19 Connected
    I believe the fact you have been awarded PIP for mobility even at the standard rate (less then 12 points) automatically qualifies you for a blue badge regardless of why you were awarded the points 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,108 Championing
    Markey said:
    I believe the fact you have been awarded PIP for mobility even at the standard rate (less then 12 points) automatically qualifies you for a blue badge regardless of why you were awarded the points 

    That's not correct. This only applies to the moving around part of mobility. Chloeanne didn't score points in this part of mobility. They scored points for following and planning a journey activity 1D, which doesn't automatically qualify them, as advised in the link i posted above.
  • Breacon
    Breacon Online Community Member Posts: 103 Contributor
    I dont know if this will help or hinder, I applied for a blue badge, several months ago, I was told anyone can apply for a BB, even if you don't get Pip, obviously due to physical capabilities, I was successful, I had to send medical information along with my application.
    I was delighted, it's made life so much easier & I can be a little more independent.
  • 2oldcodgers
    2oldcodgers Posts: 739 Connected
    Breacon said:
    I dont know if this will help or hinder, I applied for a blue badge, several months ago, I was told anyone can apply for a BB, even if you don't get Pip, obviously due to physical capabilities, I was successful, I had to send medical information along with my application.
    I was delighted, it's made life so much easier & I can be a little more independent.
    That's a result in my book.
    My wife (79) only gets the highest rates of Attendance Allowance mainly because of Arthritis. I have tried 6 times to get her a BB with all ending in failure. Good to hear that you managed it.
  • Breacon
    Breacon Online Community Member Posts: 103 Contributor
    Oh I'm sorry to hear this, I found this to be very straight forward to be honest, I sent a letter from my hospital with Diagnosis etc, & filled their form in from the council.
    I wonder if you could try again for a BB, & perhaps include your wife's diagnosis letter.
    You poor thing, your not having much luck. I would have thought the criteria would be the same
    for each council.
    I was only in receipt of ESA when I applied, I wasn't even in the support group, or received pip at the time either.
    Have another go.....& good luck.
    Mayb include your wife's Attendance Allowance letter also.