URGENT EHCP Advice needed

Rin1472 Online Community Member Posts: 60 Empowering

 This is for my little boy who is 6 years old and is in year 1. He’s had an EHCP since preschool, but has never been able to access mainstream education. He did his own thing in Reception, and at the start of this school years, the situation escalated sharply. 

He’s been excluded multiple times for hurting adults while in crisis, is now on a part time timetable, and when he’s in school, he’s isolated in a ‘safe room’ with two TA’s and no stimulation other than an iPad and Netflix.

The LA agreed to a specialist autism school, but 18 schools across three counties came back as ‘can’t meet need’. There was a single school that had a positive response, but it’s an hour drive, and with my sons severe sensory issues, he was car sick on the way there, and the way back. When looking around, my little boy retreated into himself and hid in one of the classrooms. He hated it and begged me not to send him there. I promised we wouldn’t. 

But the LA have completely ignored us and have just happily declared that they are naming that school as if they didn’t even hear our views, or our sons. It would require him to sit in a taxi with a stranger for at least two hours every school day. No 6 year old, let alone a severely autistic one, should have to endure that. 

I’m absolutely livid. My little boy has been treated like a prisoner for months now causing a decline in his mental and physical health. He’s stopped eating and is now below the 1st centile for weight. He’s refusing the milkshakes that the Dietitian has prescribed. He’s only 6! This shouldn’t be his life. 

I don’t know what to do. They’ve sent me this decision last thing on a Friday before a two week break.

Please, does anyone know the law on this? 

Has anyone been through this, and what was the outcome?


  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    edited March 2023
    Hi @Rin1472 - I'm sorry for what you're going through with your little boy, but am hoping you may get some helpful advice from IPSEA (Independent Provider of Special Education Advice) if you look around their website, e.g. https://www.ipsea.org.uk/Pages/Category/get-support   They also have various helplines: https://www.ipsea.org.uk/Pages/Category/service-overview   that may help you with the legal side of things.

  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing

    Hello @Rin1472. Thank you for reaching out to us. I always appreciate how much courage it can take to reach out, especially when you are finding things so difficult.

    I can almost hear a feeling of ‘entrapment’ – finally getting a school that responds positively to meeting your son’s needs but is so far away and incompatibility with your son’s severe sensory issues.

    One thing is really positive is you have continued to listen to your son and his needs, something which is so pivotal but so difficult when no one else is supporting you.

    You can appeal the LA’s decision of the named school, particularly for highlighting why it is unsuitable for your son’s needs.

    However, this is more difficult if you are not aware just yet of a school that would better suit his needs. When you mentioned the hour’s drive, I am assuming this was a car, but please let me know if I have assumed wrong.

    Your son could also be eligible for taxis to support his sensory needs to school if I have assumed wrong and if this would be better for his sensory needs.

    Sending you huge hugs and a listening ear above all else. Please don’t feel like you have to face this alone, even if you feel this is the case  <3