Advice wanted please re pip

catlover1102 Community member Posts: 2 Listener
edited June 2023 in PIP, DLA, and AA
Hi, a bit of an odd one here, my husband has Parkinson's disease and was award pip for daily living and mobility a few years back, his review will be coming up this year so only now have we asked for his assessment paper work as we didn't realise we could even have that. So it's come and it mentions my husband's main job (in a school) a fair bit, he also has a second income helping me at my dance school teach dance (before any judges, please know this is not him disco dancing doing cart wheels! mainly he takes the tiny ones to the loo, sitting down with them helping them point their toes, showing the parents how to support their children doing basic tumbling, he can do most of this sitting down. He also teaches an adult tap and Ballroom class once a week where he takes rest breaks, (he's in agony throughout and at the end ) but he doesn't want to give it up because it's exercise. The ballroom he can dance with a partner so he's supported, he doesn't dance any length of the room, he dances in a square, stops, takes a break, sorts the music and often let's the class dance alone while he uses words to promot them. His tap again he uses muscle memory and the music prompts him to move (lots of info out there to support this) he dances in a small space, doesn't do every demo, some is verbal some is physical, doesn't dance for longer than a minute, takes rest breaks. It's literally like medicine for him. But the problem is is the assessor didn't write it was work, she really played it down and said he just helps me out, or the other thing that could have happened was because it was peak covid, he didn't teach 6 months prior to his assessment or 6 months after due to covid so he literally was just popping in to help me and being cautious of COVID.  assessment was peak covid . But in 2021 April/may he took it back up as an income again, and he's worried the DWP will see if conflicts his mobility award, she states he can walk short distances with rest breaks, a minute and rest and similar. It's a similar thing with his dance, he finds dance easier than walking in a straight line. Please someone tell me to stop worrying 🤦 or is this bad or wrong? Parkinson's is very variable too. 


  • Blue_eyes
    Blue_eyes Community member Posts: 91 Contributor
    edited April 2023
    Hello @catlover1102 .
    I read your post yesterday.
    Can't advise anything unfortunately 🥺
    but I hope someone with more experience will reply soon. I can see it's very stressful for you.
  • catlover1102
    catlover1102 Community member Posts: 2 Listener
    Thank you, citizens advice said all sounds ok 🤷