Pip an blue badge

Tina12 Online Community Member Posts: 185 Empowering
Hi all good morning,
Just wanted to ask a quick question does anyone have a blue badge and does it help you when you're applying for pip ? 
Thankyou in advance 🙏😊


  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,469 Championing

    Usually people in this situation apply for a Blue Badge after getting PIP.  (Easier that way round due to automatic eligibility).  The Blue Badge itself is unlikely to help you get PIP.

    If you don't get awarded Mobility on PIP, then most local councils will allow you to make a manual application for a Blue Badge.  That's how I got mine.
  • Tina12
    Tina12 Online Community Member Posts: 185 Empowering
    @OverlyAnxious thank you so much for your comment.. I have an assessment for blue badge on Wednesday and I am ready for it have all the documents and evidence I need .. and we'll give my all on that day 🙏😊
  • Tina12
    Tina12 Online Community Member Posts: 185 Empowering
    And I Will be applying for PIP after that.. I did apply for PIP last year that it was a no-no for me. I was going through so much at the time and had my video call with a young lady who wasn't interested in half of the things I was telling her and rushed my assessment and lied... So I'm ready for it this time 😊
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,454 Championing
    Was there any reason why you didn't challenge that PIP decision last year? Reapplying again using the same evidence you previously used will likely see another refusal. When was the decision made on your claim please? Has your condition remained the same since then?
  • Tina12
    Tina12 Online Community Member Posts: 185 Empowering
    Hi poppy,
    I made the pip claim in last August and did a mandatory reconsideration..and I was going through many personal stu..since then my condition has got worse and have more evidence and another condition diagnosis..
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,454 Championing
    Are you aware that it's not about a diagnosis and a worsening of condition doesn't automatically score you more points?

    You can request the Tribunal for the decision on your previous claim. You will need to give a reason why you didn't request it within 1 month of the date of the MR decision, it's unlikely they will refuse a late appeal. They will only be able to look at how your conditions affected you at the time the original decision was made.

    So many people think that if they reapply they will succeed rather than take it to Tribunal but this isn't always the case. It's entirely up to you what you do but i just don't want you getting into the same situation you were in before.

    You can also get some expert advice from an agency near you. https://advicelocal.uk/welfare-benefits

  • Tina12
    Tina12 Online Community Member Posts: 185 Empowering
    Good morning all, and thank you poppy for your advice.. yes I do know it doesn't matter if you have more evidence or if you're health has changed it's about how it affects you..😊🙏