Pip payment date

Unknown1892 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
Hi I’ve already been awarded my backpayment on 21st march I received a letter I think telling me I’ll be payed the 16th every month but I called the phone line today and it says I’m getting paid on 13th, which one will be correct I have lost my letter so I don’t know how else to check


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,444 Championing
    It's impossible for you to be paid on the 16th of every month because PIP is paid every 4 weeks. Your decision letter will tell you what day of the week you will receive your money, not what date because the date will always be different.
    I suspect the 13th to be correct but you'll have to wait and see. If you've lost the decision letter you can always ring PIP to ask them to send you another.