Exams & Tests

csno01 Online Community Member Posts: 403 Empowering

Here’s an interesting one. Who is/was a fan of test/exams in your school or college days? I certainly wasn’t. 


  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    I think for me it depended on the subject @csno01, but I agree the pressure of tests generally isn't fun!
  • csno01
    csno01 Online Community Member Posts: 403 Empowering
    Beaver79 said:
    Hi @csno01 Not something I worried about to much. I did the revision and then the exams/tests.
    You have a A positive mindset. Well done.
  • onebigvoice
    onebigvoice Scope Member Posts: 865 Pioneering
    Been on both sides of the fence, and as a teacher I found that unless the basic's are learnt the rest is just rubbish.  Example  ask any teen A+B=C  Where values of B and Care given, they can transpose and give an answer most even just looking at it.  BUT  R+Q=Z where Q and Z values are given it would take longer or give no answer because they have never seen that formula.