Finding Permenant work in education with people who dont understand neuro-diversity

gail330 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Connected
edited April 2023 in Work
after a brain hemorage in 2012 and a stroke thereafter, I have returned to work  in education, I tried as a teacher, but  my previous work capability before illness was expected on my return, and I was unable to keep up even on part-time hours. I was managed out of this role after a formal tribunal and work capability interview and left last June as a teacher. I am now a teachers assistant with an agency so I only get paid when i attend school to work. when schools are on holiday I dont get paid. When I apply for a permenant position the employer needs my last 2 employers references. However when they apply for this from my teaching position the reference refers to the tribunal which schools will not accept a person who has been subject to a tribunal, there is never an explanation as to why this happened and that it relates back to my disability and poor management. not sure how to get around this, im hoping for ideas.


  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Hello @gail330 and thanks for your question :)

    ACAS may well be able to offer advice on this for you, as I'm afraid it's not my area of expertise. 

    Have you always worked in education?