PIP stopped after not receiving review forms?

DavidBrother Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited April 2023 in PIP, DLA, and AA
I recently had my PIP payments stopped, My original award was until 5th February 2023, due to Covid-19 my award was extended until 5th November 2023, The DWP, claim that they sent out forms in December 2022, which we never received, The first time we knew anything about the forms was on the 28th  January 2023, we received a letter stating that my PIP payments have been stopped as of 27th January 2023.

I telephoned the helpline for three days, and after about 60 minutes I got cut off every time, In the end I sent a letter explaining the what had happened, but received no reply from them, after several attempts I managed to get through, I discussed what had happened and was advised that the decision had gone back to be reconsidered, which again we knew nothing about.

I discussed my award dates, and was advised there was nothing they could do, as I didn't return the forms. "The ones that I never received in the first place" I was also advised that payments would not be re-instated, I have since received a new copy completed and returned on the 30th of March.

So I'm being penalised for not receiving forms. 

What dates do i work off with regards to my award, I have a letter stating that my award was extended to the 5th November 2023.

I'm at a loss of what to do next,

Kind Regards



  • Cher_Alumni
    Cher_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,714 Championing
    Hi @DavidBrother and a warm welcome to our online community, how are you doing?

    My understanding is that the PIP helpline would have extended your review deadline given you had an acceptable reason so that sounds very frustrating. As for the dates, I couldn't reliably advise you 100%. As such, I've renamed your thread and moved it to the PIP, DLA and AA category for the attention of someone more PIP savvy.

    I hope you have a more problem-free experience from here on in. Please let us know how you get on.
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,549 Championing
    The extension is overridden by the review forms, so you can forget about the Nov 2023 date.

    The same sort of thing has happened to a few people on here, myself included.  Although we received and returned the review forms in good time, they failed to upload them to their systems before the deadline.  In my case, and others I've read so far, the PIP was eventually reinstated (albeit with a frustratingly written letter, suggesting that it was our fault rather than theirs!).

    However, as you never sent your forms, this is a slightly different scenario.  The PIP call handlers aren't much use unfortunately.  But I do think you should be pushing to find the date and the address of the review letters that you were sent back in December.  Two letters are sent separately, one with the forms and the next stating that they haven't received the forms. The fact that you didn't get either of these letters suggests to me that they either weren't sent, or had been sent to the wrong address.