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PIP Review (I think its a year early)

Bingo Community member Posts: 70 Courageous
I was originally awarded PIP back in July 2019 until June 2023.  I have received a PIP Review form this morning telling me I need to fill out all the forms again. However in January 2021 I received a review letter stating my payment awards have been extended until March 2024.  Anyone else had this?  Im on hold to PIP right now to see if its an error or if I still need to fill out the forms.  Been on hold half an hour so far. 

Im hoping it will be straight forward if I have to fill out the forms again as my conditions and therefore mobility has got worse since 2019. I dont really have any supporting evidence of X Rays, hospital appointments etc though. Will it matter?  


  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Community member Posts: 2,725 Disability Gamechanger
    edited April 2023

    Many of us have had this over the past couple of years.  The review forms over-ride the extension date.  You do need to complete the form and return it is as soon as you can.

    You don't need paper evidence as long as you can provide written evidence explaining what happened last time you attempted a particular task etc.  
  • Bingo
    Bingo Community member Posts: 70 Courageous
    Thanks. I finally got through to someone just now and he confirmed the above. Sounds to me though like there is a huge backlog. He reckoned the decision wont happen until the back end of this year or possibly early next year! He also extended my deadline to return it by two weeks until the 26th May.

    I am assuming rightly or wrongly it wont be a problem. My only worry is I spend a lot of time from Spring onwards away from home in our old motorhome which is a joy as its a hell of a lot more disabled friendly than my house is but I am concerned something will land on my mat when I am not here.  If its back end of the year though it shouldnt really be a problem.  My wife is also my Carer and receives a carers allowance. Is it likely she will get a review letter also?  Nothing so far and we are away from tomorrow for about four weeks.
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Community member Posts: 2,725 Disability Gamechanger
    Yes, there is a long backlog.  It took more than a year and a half for my review to be completed, but that is longer than most.  The rough ball park figure right now seems to be about 6 months, but some do happen within a matter of weeks, there's no way to estimate how long it'll be for each person.

    Is there anyone that could check your house for mail once a week while you're away?  It's also possible that they'll call your phone for extra information.  If you gave a home phone number, rather than a mobile number, that could cause issues if you miss more than one call.  

    Your wife won't receive a PIP review form as a carer.  You can ask her to write a statement to send along with your PIP form to back up your own evidence if desired.  Just make sure you don't contradict each other.
  • Bingo
    Bingo Community member Posts: 70 Courageous
    Yes, there is a long backlog.  It took more than a year and a half for my review to be completed, but that is longer than most.  The rough ball park figure right now seems to be about 6 months, but some do happen within a matter of weeks, there's no way to estimate how long it'll be for each person.

    Is there anyone that could check your house for mail once a week while you're away?  It's also possible that they'll call your phone for extra information.  If you gave a home phone number, rather than a mobile number, that could cause issues if you miss more than one call.  

    Your wife won't receive a PIP review form as a carer.  You can ask her to write a statement to send along with your PIP form to back up your own evidence if desired.  Just make sure you don't contradict each other.
    Thanks again. Yes I can have a neighbour check the mail.  We should have gone last week but got delayed which is just as well as the deadline on this letter was initially the 12th of May if by which I had not responded they would stop my payments!  I would never have known.  I just want to avoid that in the summer.  

    Its my mobile number they have so if they do call I assume they will call on that. It was my mobile number they used for authentication today.  I just wish it could all be done online or at least have that option.  Dark ages stuff pen and paper. I Cant even write anymore! :)
  • Bingo
    Bingo Community member Posts: 70 Courageous
    Finally completed my forms. Before I send them off do you think I should mention I might be away from home for a while and reiterate my mobile number on the final section of the form or would it be best to just say nothing.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 56,055 Disability Gamechanger
    You dont need to tell them you’re going away. If PIP already know your mobile number and it hasn’t changed there’s no need to tell them again. 
    I would appreciate it if members wouldn't tag me please. I have all notifcations turned off and wouldn't want a member thinking i'm being rude by not replying.
    If i see a question that i know the answer to i will try my best to help.
  • Bingo
    Bingo Community member Posts: 70 Courageous
    You dont need to tell them you’re going away. If PIP already know your mobile number and it hasn’t changed there’s no need to tell them again. 
    Thanks. My worry is they won't contact me by phone but may contact me by post and I may miss it. Probably best not to over complicate it though. 
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