Cost of living my by @SurvivorEmpowered POEM

SurvivorEmpowered Posts: 56 Connected
edited April 2023 in Coffee lounge

Oh no the cost of living been raised again
Is legislation putting a forced noose over our head
Damned as we do 
Damned as we don’t
Blooming hell bells
I don’t know what to do…
Come on government give us a clue?

Government you have duty of care to all citizens 
No matter their colour, culture, gender, seen or unseen disabilities, 
Or religious beliefs, working status or not.
Deprivation! Have you experienced it yet?
Our voices being suppressed and oppressed? 

The government playing the part of a sixteenth century Latin Dominatrix 
Their Indoctrination…it’s the economic climate
Brought on by environmental change, war zones in other countries
Constantly told there is know immediate threat or alternative.
Such as solutions or quick fixes

As our PRIME MINISTER…flying around on a private jet..
At task payers expense
Gosh…Blooming sick of double standards.

Our the people of our country becoming accepting? 
That for some of us our caught in severity of the poverty trap
Strikes abundant for most of our services
Nothings been seen like this through out history.

Rapping in song, expressing our views
Bank’s creative, graffiti…
Trying to raise awareness expressing through creativity the people views
Disappointingly the council steps in sending the very people banks was trying defend.

They take away his creativity
Ermm… contradiction again…know their using statutory health and safety legislation ‘ A duty of care to the community.
Again double standards implemented
The POINT bank’s stood up for our human rights. 
Think on….

No income that’s stretches to buy basics
No income that stretches to buy toiletries
No income that stretches to put shoes on our feet, winter coat on our backs
No income that stretches to turn on our gas or electric
Much worse to buy nappies or baby milk
Woman’s personal hygiene goods…

Oh my god what’s happening to society?
Shivering applying more layers to keep out the cold
Misery becomes the daily reality.
Age concern televising people suffering, help will soon be their
That can’t be right
The Samaritan’s…  promoting their free number 116123 ‘speak to us where here’ we care.
Oh my god Families splitting up because of the cost of living

What’s happened to good news better days smiling faces?
Our we all on a waiting  list to go to the WORK HOUSE?
Where living in times of prioritising personal hygiene
That’s way down our survival prioritising lists
The list of to do’s 
The list of don’ts 
The list of maybes
The list not anymore.

Gone our the days of taking for granted
Out with family or friends to meet for a quick coffee.
Thinking recklessly no longer a thought
Even the cheaper alternative taking a picnic

The poor old oven has become decommissioned
In favour of our air fryer, the steamer and the economical slow cooker.
Gone our the Friday nights of fish and chip 
Or a quick family pizza

I’ve found one positive a healthier alternative 
Slither cut carrots celery parsnips cucumber to dip into home made dips or salsas.
Finally micro-waved  pop corn as we settle down under our throw to watch Saturday night family TV. 

Life has changed I know for some they don’t get any treats
There living this time all alone
Most in extreme cold, without any hot meal
Similar to those homeless out on the streets. 
As the rising costs quickly put many into debt
Finally made homeless, cast aside without any dignity

For now I think on and I pray
For all of those people facing those for ever tough challenges 
Reach out don’t live in silence
The government our wrong to keep turning a blind eye.
There our organisations out their 
Who cast no JUDGEMENT

Together will help towards finding a new solution. 
Its called believing in HOPE
Implementing EMPATHY
Showing compassion and humanity actions
Opening our hearts to giving out human KINDNESS
Pulling together in everything we do
Keep moving forward, until we beat the odds once again
Reminding our selves 
Homelessness could happen to anyone at anytime.
Reach out… I don’t want to hear of no more… suicides. 

Wrote by SurvivorEmpowered Shezz April 2023


  • Globster
    Globster Community Volunteer Host, CP Network, Scope Member Posts: 2,744 Championing
    @SurvivorEmpowered Your poem is ready beautiful and powerful with your words :)
  • SurvivorEmpowered
    SurvivorEmpowered Posts: 56 Connected
    @Globster @Biblioklept Thank-you ... There was a Time I lost the ability to read write find my way to old places. Now I describe the past and present through POETRY. I hope I people also see the humour and the message i'm trying to express. 

    My life is extremely boring mundane. Being house bound not ideal when you want to learn and live...

    Take care again thank-you... 
  • SurvivorEmpowered
    SurvivorEmpowered Posts: 56 Connected

    I could not write poetry. I went on a journey approximately 2007 met an amazing Polish family. 

    They  administrated a website in Huddersfield.  Their website had lots of inspiring stories activities to do. 

    When we began chatting They were going through a personal situation. Their close family  member  had terminal cancer. 

    My friend was in crisis  and needed time  out to recharge as they were the main carer. 

    I'd just had a house fire was in crisis also. I related as my sister had just survived cancer including lost their home etc. 

    We were  both down to earth and I invited  that person to my home. 

    Like l said, l had just had a small house fire. So the only seats were two deck chairs lol. 

    My friend just wanted a break fatigue  had set in and servere stress and had impacted my friends health. 

    All they wanted was to watch football in peace and rest up. Their wish was easy to make happen. l remember  when l cared for my nana and granddad and two babies exhusband. 

    People wrongly assume  being a carer they are hero's or playing the mytra.

    I knew rest and recharging was relevant as to watch a love one pass away bring lots of challenges specially preparation. 

    Christine pass away six months later. 

    Then I was asked to go meet the family a year later. My friend was angry  with God and the rest of the family were Christians. 

    My task was  to support my friend attending Christine's church for a remembrance service.

    I made friends with a beautiful family who gave so much to others  I wanted to be there to support their needs for a change. 

    That's when they introduced me to poetry artists expression writing my daily thoughts. 

    They opened new doors to self expression and l ended up in USA taking part in a group professional poetry work shop in Tennese. 

    Everyone in their family had their work published. They reminded me of the Vontrap Family from the musical Sound of Music. 
    Very talented. 

    I sadly lost my friend a few years later. Bless and often thrive on the wealth of knowledge  learnt and beautiful friendship memories made. 

    My friend gave me an insight into the Polish culture and during the second World War. 

    It's never to late to try out self expression. Go on have a little try giggles. You may be surprised  what you could create. 

    Thank you for your kind words. 

  • SurvivorEmpowered
    SurvivorEmpowered Posts: 56 Connected
    Hi the cost of living every time, l speak to someone no one has a positive comment to make. 

    Their is kindness being shared amongst strangers from empathy to listening, swapping goods, giving, sharing supporting possible strangers for the first time or continuously. 

    To say we're coming  through the worst we only need to gain up dates from our national and local news. 

    I have personally been affected and put in place a statement if the stress triggers further health issues at worst the stresses the servere, poverty trap brings on health conditions such as a stroke or heart attack as l try to manage blood pressure. 

    For all l remain hopeful and must keep a focused view. I have had the privilege to meet fellow overseas persons with seen and unseen disabilities. Visiting other countries not only gave me a insight. I came hope with reinforced values and coping strategies. Also still knowing their are people worse  off than me. 

    Pulling together across communities in all that we do will go a long way to stay morally balanced through further challenges. 

    I have still not received the cost of living £301 payment. I am also considering organising a plea to local communities and national across the United Kingdom where we all go out at 6 pm and tap a pot or pan and protest to our GOVERNMENT AND HEAD OF STATE AND ALL LEADERS. enough is enough let's get back to basics.

    For the government to put pressure on multi-billion companies to give back profits to their customers. For proceeds of lost government money to found and put back into investing in all areas of weaknesses I.e roads drains pot holes energy. 

    Try to put our own citizens needs as a priority before others. i.e RESPECT. My departed elders of my family often reinforced the quote. (Charity begins at home first before all others). There is a lot to be said about that statement. 

    I never had any warmth in my home last winter and still. I had strangers knock at my door bring food. More recently I've had a stranger collect my washing and wash my clothes. 

    That's been the last straw for me. I accept  it's is bad enough l have no facilities to wash take care properly regarding my personal hygiene. 

    For my washer to go, my situation left me little choices. 


    I am a former social worker, community worker, out reach worker. I ran a 67 resident private residential complex for people with mixed abilities or not etc. 

    To fond my self becoming reliant on stranger goes against all l believe is good in our country  and local.  communities.

    Thank-you to those who do try to make a difference and put aside their own issues. By pulling together and being supportive with actions no matter how little. We all matter.  

    I'm so sorry to blabber on but I'm passionate; ( THAT WE STAND UP TO MAINTAIN OUR BASIC RIGHTS).  

    Excisting not acceptable. 
  • SurvivorEmpowered
    SurvivorEmpowered Posts: 56 Connected
    This is the start of my journey South Africa. Some very important people past away in my life i was at an all time low. My friend encouraged me to come over and visit their country. What a journey, it not only opened my eyes to another culture. I believe my preparation for the pandemic and the cost of living affects too.
  • SurvivorEmpowered
    SurvivorEmpowered Posts: 56 Connected
    Me taking little walking steps, my friends pushing my wheelchair behind. We had just been giving money out to the homeless and needy. So they could get a few nights food and shelter.